Upgraded to XP Pro, CD rom games won't play


Michael M.

The games, to be specific, are EA Sports Madden 2002 and
NBA Live 2003. Both worked fine on my old Windows 98 a
week ago. I have not changed anything, other than the
OS. As I try to play NBA Live; the startup is fine but
when I get to the game modes screen, the graphics of the
guy dribbling the ball is all disjointed, his arm isn't
even there. Any input is appreciated for a neophyte such
as myself.

Chris H.

There's a vast difference between Win98 and Windows XP, so perhaps to give
the games a real chance, I would uninstall them and reinstall. If you have
personal saves, make sure you copy them out of the game folders first.
Also, make sure you visit the web sites for each game and get the latest
downloads or patches for them before you launch the first time.
Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP
Tablet Creations - http://nicecreations.us/
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -


Check the games to see if they are compatible with XP - if not run them in
compatibility mode.


hi i like to play yahoo pool i get on ok but when i try
to open up a profile on a player it will not let me see


I myself install Xp Pro and now most of my games won't
run. I have about 4 games that ran before and they were
windows 95/98/Me games and they ran perfectly before.
Have you found a solution as of yet?


Try running them in windows 98 compatibility mode

Go to the program folder (C:\Program Files\game name) find the .ex
file right click and select the proprieties then select th
compatibility Tab. Under this you will see a box that say
compatibility mode, check the box and select windows 98 / Windows Me.
I have found a few games that will only work like this.

You might also want to check you video card drivers and make sure the
are the latest

I hope this helps
Good luck


*I myself install Xp Pro and now most of my games won't
run. I have about 4 games that ran before and they were
windows 95/98/Me games and they ran perfectly before.
Have you found a solution as of yet?


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