Unimdm.tsp hotfix



i Hi All,

My computer is suffering from this precicely this problem:

I'd go into detail, but i don't want to bore anyone and i don't need help
clarifying the problem - only help obtaining the fix.

Basically i need to obtain the 'hotfix' to the unimdm.tsp file, mentioned in
this support article.

My modem has an ugly habit of disconnecting frequently (my ISP's fault)
which is only compounded by the known bug in unimdm, which means it never
reconnects. This is a major issue for someone like me who does a lot of
remote networking and expects their machine to be online 24/7.

If anyone can help me fix/replace this file, it would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Winograd [MVP]

i Hi All,

My computer is suffering from this precicely this problem:

I'd go into detail, but i don't want to bore anyone and i don't need help
clarifying the problem - only help obtaining the fix.

Basically i need to obtain the 'hotfix' to the unimdm.tsp file, mentioned in
this support article.

My modem has an ugly habit of disconnecting frequently (my ISP's fault)
which is only compounded by the known bug in unimdm, which means it never
reconnects. This is a major issue for someone like me who does a lot of
remote networking and expects their machine to be online 24/7.

If anyone can help me fix/replace this file, it would be greatly appreciated.

Contact Microsoft Product Support Services, as described in the
support article. There's no other source for Microsoft hotfixes.
There's no charge for the support call if you ask for help only with
the specific issue in the article.
Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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