Ummmmm... Well..... Errrrrmmmm....


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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muckshifter said:
Yep, need to know ASAP ... Mr B can give me two + crew for the second week in July ... err, that too early for you or shall I hold off for a few days. :)

Got a 'prezzy list' going yet ... get one going on Amazon. ;)

lol, well at the moment we are planning sometime in January or February. Feb would be better as it gives us a bit of a breather from xmas, but John has to take his anual leave over new years so if we go in Feb then he's looking at a couple of weeks off work without pay :(
John's going to think about it at work today & see what he wants to do.

I didn't think we needed prezzies... we've both got most've what we want after all. But when I said that to people they got quite offended. John's Son said "No! That's rude & I may be tight, but I'm not rude!" So it looks like we're going to get prezzies weather we like it or not :confused:
John's mate from work said we should open an account at "house of Travel" or the like & people can just give what they feel like towards our honeymoon which sounds smart (we still haven't figured out how we're going to afford one anyway so it would definitely be appreciated) & that way, because the amounts are unknown then no one feels pressured to spend more than they can afford. So many people, especially our family members, will be spending so much just getting down here that just making it here is the best present they could give :)


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Thank you :) Thank you to all of you who have given congratulations & best wishes :)


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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HGV2 said:
So, have you got a webcam?
It could go live across the world?

lol, no haven't got one sorry. Would be cool otherwise :)

On a down note... looks like we can't afford that dress :( Or even a proper honeymoon :(
I thought, since we're having a 'keep it simple' wedding, & at home so we don't have to hire a 'venue', that we would have a bit of money spare for that sort of thing. But I had no idea how much even the basics of a wedding cost. What a rip off.

But it's the getting married that counts in the end, not the wedding. So we'll find something cheaper that we both like (been checking Trade me for 2nd hand dresses) & we reckon we'll spend our honeymoon just driving around NZ a bit. Stay in country pubs & do some of those things we never had the time for before. NZ is a beautiful place & we don't have to stay in flash hotels & do expensive 'activities' to have a good time :)


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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cirianz said:
But it's the getting married that counts in the end, not the wedding. So we'll find something cheaper that we both like (been checking Trade me for 2nd hand dresses) & we reckon we'll spend our honeymoon just driving around NZ a bit. Stay in country pubs & do some of those things we never had the time for before. NZ is a beautiful place & we don't have to stay in flash hotels & do expensive 'activities' to have a good time :)

Absolutely right.

Money don't guarantee happiness.

Digging each other and getting off on whatever situation you're in does.

Believe me I know :)

And, you'll enjoy it more, this I know.

I've experienced both.

Expensive shyte feels manufactured, impromptu crap fels like magic ;)

You know what I mean :)


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
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Just wanting to add congratulations and warmest good wishes to you both Cirianz, hope you will enjoy a long and very happy future together. :D

Good health, good luck and good fortune! (That would be a toast if I was drinking something other than tea, but as this is cyberspace we can imagine that it's champagne!! Refill anyone...?) ;)


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Thank you Taffycat :D

So much has happened in the last week that it seems hard to believe that it's only been a week & right now it is seeming like ferbruary is far to short a time to do everything we need to do in time.
For one thing there's a lot of slog work as we'll have to dig up a chunk of our back paddock to make a flat area for the BBQ, & we need to replace our front path as it's broken to the point of being dangerous. I'm quite sure that these sort of things aren't on the average wedding itinerary :rolleyes: but neither John or I have ever been accused of being average :nod:

One thing that really only occured to us last night is that, since I never got around to getting my British citizenship & John never got around to applying for New Zealand citizenship - In NZ You can hold dual citizenship so it's possible to be both a Britt & a Kiwi) I had better check up & find out what the rules & regs are.
I had a friend who married a guy from brazil & they spent nearly a year jumping through immigration hoops to prove that he wasn't marrying her to get citizenship. Since John has lived here for twenty odd years & two of his children are NZd'ers I don't think that will be a problem for him & hopefully, since, because my father is British I would be entitled to British citizenship anyway, then British Immigration won't have a problem with me. But these are govt departments so I'm not counting on anything being nearly so logical. Since NZd is still a part of the British commonwealth I would hope that there is some sort of reasonably straightforward system though. Hopefully :rolleyes:

floppybootstomp said:
Absolutely right.

Money don't guarantee happiness.

Digging each other and getting off on whatever situation you're in does.

Believe me I know :)

And, you'll enjoy it more, this I know.

I've experienced both.

Expensive shyte feels manufactured, impromptu crap fels like magic ;)

You know what I mean :)

Yes, I do :D

It turned out that John had tried to propose to me a few times earlier, taking me to romantic places or on our porch with romantic music playing. But things kept happening & the mood was never right. But When he did finally propose to me it was completely impromptu, when we were hugging in the kitchen & he just said it :) :) :) It was, like you said, magical. Weird. I'd never been proposed to before & it certainly didn't feel at all like how I would've imagined it would.
But very magical :nod:


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Just another update in the continuing saga :rolleyes:

We have finally set a date for the wedding.

We'll be getting married on the 24th February all fingers crossed :nod:

*happy dance*


Cool Cruncher
Nov 3, 2005
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If we can help in any way pm us...i would love to buy you a wedding pressie..:thumb:


Hon. Acoustical Engineer
Mar 16, 2002
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That is great news Ciri! :thumb:

So February 24 it is.
Any particular reason for selecting this date?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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... the day is dawning near

cirianz said:
Just another update in the continuing saga :rolleyes:

We have finally set a date for the wedding.

We'll be getting married on the 24th February all fingers crossed :nod:

*happy dance*
LoL ... I won't forget that date in a hurry ... 'tis my wedding anniversary too. :thumb:


* or is it March 24th *


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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muckshifter said:
LoL ... I won't forget that date in a hurry ... 'tis my wedding anniversary too. :thumb:


* or is it March 24th *

:) That is as good a recomendation as any date could have :)

No Quads, the date choice is pure coincidence. People were wanting a specific date so they could book tickets in advance & get good deals so we sat down with a calendar. We wanted february because we want to have the wedding outside if possible :)
& not too close to my son's birthday on the 6th.
And a weekend of course...
asides from that it was random.

Rush, Thank you :) I don't really know what to say. I'm afraid I'm not really very good at recieving pressies but I've been told off twice now by people for trying to say they needn't bother & once for over-thanking :blush:
Just the thought is really enough, thank you :)
I love being able to share my happyness & experiences with you all. That's a gift beyond price :)


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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TriplexDread said:
Fantastic news. I do hope you video it for us so we can all download it and have a copy?

lol, well, I hadn't planned on videoing it, but John is quite determined that he wants it videoed :) But it'll likely be randomly selected family members doing the recording so I can't vouch for the quality :)
Jul 11, 2006
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cirianz said:
Well, you know when you asked what we did last weekend?

Well I didn't tell the whole story...

On sunday night John asked me to marry him & I said yes...


What wonderful news Ciri! *big smile*

Wishing you a lifetime of precious love and the golden fortune of heartfelt happiness. :)


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Thank you Jan *hugs*

For the beautiful piccy & the wonderful wish :)

And I am so sorry that I missed it for so long :blush:

You deserve better than that :nod:

Love & hugs :)
Jul 11, 2006
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Hiya Ciri,

I just wanted to add my best wishes and congratulations to the growing list here! :D


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Thanks GK :D

Starting to get used to the idea now :rolleyes:

Hopefully we'll have got a hang of it by february :nod:

John reckons that if he gets enough people around then no one will notice if he's not there :lol:

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