TRAFFIC ISSUES runnig XP RO SP2 on 2 computers (1 client 1 serve



tTRAFFIC ISSUES: ACCESS refused. Client Can NOT access server both compuers
in network are running XP PRO with SP2. ONE WAY ONLY

QUESTION TO ANY EXPERT: a reply will be appreciate.

Basically it is a Internet connection sharing.
PC (server) running XP PRO SP2 connect to cable modem.
Laptop (client) running XP PRO SP2 connect Internet trought server.
(Internet works on laptop. sometimes with connectivity issues by it works)
Connection are cabled ( crossover).
BOTH are loged on as admin no password . Supossed to havr same user rights
Same workgroup name. AXELNET.
All default windows config.
I have disable firewall on both computers to simplify network test.
I have run carefully the network wizard with file and printer sharing

PING s also are OK. Server can access client without problem and share
file.(traffic server-->client works fine) one- way only

My problem :(traffic in the other sense: client server doesn't work). When
I see my network places, network workgroups in my laptop (client) I can see
worksgroup but can NOT access server. When clic on server I get a Error
message says “ you have no rights to access this network ressouces†ask
server admin.

How server can give access to client . Where ? . I believe it is a
incredible BOOOOG in Service Pack 2. I have tried ALL. With or without
firewall, with or without NORTON antivirus 2005
I have read all last press from MS and sp2 but no solution to this obvious

and yes , when server is in XP SP1 this home network works fine.
I have read somethig about to use same username and same password then log
on the client to have file and printersharing working. (it doesn't work)
This solutions seems not logic . I want to be able to share with other
computer on the SAME subnet ,network office or homenetwork. Like I do with
sp1 (to share in fact in the same workgroup) .

So, of course I would like to stay with sp2 security improvements, pop up
bloquer etc., all seems good, BUT seems incredible can not configure a simple
network using WIN XP PRO service pack 2. BOTH WAYS , not only one way file

PLEASE HELP...... or at least please give minimal precision to see where
change the parameter in the sever ( firewall) and HOW really give access to
my laptop (client).


tTRAFFIC ISSUES: ACCESS refused. Client Can NOT access server both compuers
in network are running XP PRO with SP2. ONE WAY ONLY

QUESTION TO ANY EXPERT: a reply will be appreciate.

Basically it is a Internet connection sharing.
PC (server) running XP PRO SP2 connect to cable modem.
Laptop (client) running XP PRO SP2 connect Internet trought server.
(Internet works on laptop. sometimes with connectivity issues by it works)
Connection are cabled ( crossover).
BOTH are loged on as admin no password . Supossed to havr same user rights
Same workgroup name. AXELNET.
All default windows config.
I have disable firewall on both computers to simplify network test.
I have run carefully the network wizard with file and printer sharing

PING s also are OK. Server can access client without problem and share
file.(traffic server-->client works fine) one- way only

My problem :(traffic in the other sense: client? server doesn't work). When
I see my network places, network workgroups in my laptop (client) I can see
worksgroup but can NOT access server. When clic on server I get a Error
message says “ you have no rights to access this network ressouces” ask
server admin.

How server can give access to client . Where ? . I believe it is a
incredible BOOOOG in Service Pack 2. I have tried ALL. With or without
firewall, with or without NORTON antivirus 2005
I have read all last press from MS and sp2 but no solution to this obvious

and yes , when server is in XP SP1 this home network works fine.
I have read somethig about to use same username and same password then log
on the client to have file and printersharing working. (it doesn't work)
This solutions seems not logic . I want to be able to share with other
computer on the SAME subnet ,network office or homenetwork. Like I do with
sp1 (to share in fact in the same workgroup) .

So, of course I would like to stay with sp2 security improvements, pop up
bloquer etc., all seems good, BUT seems incredible can not configure a simple
network using WIN XP PRO service pack 2. BOTH WAYS , not only one way file

PLEASE HELP...... or at least please give minimal precision to see where
change the parameter in the sever ( firewall) and HOW really give access to
my laptop (client).

Is Windows Firewall enabled on both computers? If so, is the File and Printer
Sharing exception enabled?

Check to see if Simple File Sharing (Control Panel - Folder Options - View -
Advanced settings) is enabled or disabled. With XP Pro, you need to have SFS
properly set on each computer.

On XP Pro with SFS disabled, check the Local Security Policies (Control Panel -
Administrative Tools). Under Local Policies - Security Options, look at
"Network access: Sharing and security model", and ensure it's set to "Classic -
local users authenticate as themselves".

On XP Pro with SFS disabled, if you set the above Local Security Policy to
"Guest only", enable the Guest account, using Start - Run - "cmd" - type "net
user guest /active:yes" in the command window. If "Classic", setup and use a
common non-Guest account on all computers. Whichever account is used, give it
an identical, non-blank password on all computers.

On XP Pro with Simple File Sharing enabled, make sure that the Guest account is
enabled, on each computer. Enable Guest, with Start - Run - "cmd", then type
"net user guest /active:yes" in the command window. Ensure that the password
for Guest is blank, with Start - Run - "control userpasswords2"; select Guest,
click Reset Password, click OK without entering a new password.

On XP Pro, if you're going to use Guest authentication, check your Local
Security Policy (Control Panel - Administrative Tools) - User Rights Assignment,
on the XP Pro computer, and look at "Deny access to this computer from the
network". Make sure Guest is not in the list. Look at "Access this computer
from the network", and make sure that Everyone is in this list.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net


I have tried all. At the beginning, Windows firewall enabled, and file and
printer sharing exception enabled.

For this test: all is XP PRO sp2 by default.
Firewall is off for testing purposes.
Simple File Sharing is enabled (default).

I didn't touch Guest account defaults. Shoul be enabled a ? Why ? It is
NOT enabled by default? Anyway I do cmd "net user guest /active:yes" on
BOTH computer . Please Chuck I would appreciate a small explanation what is
exactly the effect of this action? MAYBE IS JUST THERE THE BOG

I didn't touch passwords. I let it by default Blank (emply).( I don't use
guest authentication for this test purpose.

I think TRAFFIC ONE WAY (forbidden incomming traffic on server is really TOO
MUCH security ) Default parameters should be both ways , anyway well

NO CHANGES with your post Chuck Thanks anyway.


I have tried all. At the beginning, Windows firewall enabled, and file and
printer sharing exception enabled.

For this test: all is XP PRO sp2 by default.
Firewall is off for testing purposes.
Simple File Sharing is enabled (default).

I didn't touch Guest account defaults. Shoul be enabled a ? Why ? It is
NOT enabled by default? Anyway I do cmd "net user guest /active:yes" on
BOTH computer . Please Chuck I would appreciate a small explanation what is
exactly the effect of this action? MAYBE IS JUST THERE THE BOG

I didn't touch passwords. I let it by default Blank (emply).( I don't use
guest authentication for this test purpose.

I think TRAFFIC ONE WAY (forbidden incomming traffic on server is really TOO
MUCH security ) Default parameters should be both ways , anyway well

NO CHANGES with your post Chuck Thanks anyway.

There are many ways you can setup file sharing, and many ways to screw up, so
it's not surprising that the first try didn't work. Don't despair.

If Simple File Sharing is enabled, the Guest account has to be enabled also, for
network access.

You can enable any account, using Control Panel - User Accounts, which will
simply allow you to login locally using that account. To enable network access
to the computer, using that account, you have to either enable it using "net
user" or using the Computer Management - Local Users and Groups wizard. I find
it easier to use the "net user" command.

By default, any account used for network access has to have a non-blank
password, and the password has to match on both the server (computer that you're
accessing) and the client (computer that you're working from).

Remember that when you have Simple File Sharing enabled, you can login to a
computer using any account you setup, but for network access the server
(computer being accesses thru the network) uses the Guest account, and the
password for the Guest account has to match on the client and server.

This Microsoft document, which is a bit wordy, explains everything in detail:

If this doesn't help, reply, and I'll work with you some more. Your problem is
fixable, you just have to be patient and persistent. But please start by
setting a non-blank identical Guest password on both computers.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net.


FROM: ahyca
TRAFFIC ISSUES STEP BY STEP , problem has been fixed. Mystery remind.
This test involving laptop (client) with the same XP PRO SP2.
Desktop (server) is in XP PRO SP1. cabled crossover conecction. I have
configured this Homenetwork, using wizard. So, Simple File Sharing enabled
automatically, no windows firewall . Internet conecction (by Eth card), file
sharing and printer are working OK and TRAFFIC BOTH WAYS.
At this point (with network working perfectly) I have update my server to
SP2 using last file from windows update and not my old XP PRO with Sp 2
I do a cmd net user guest active/YES on both computer (suggested by
CHUCK, THKS) and all work ok like with sp1. Traffic bidirectional client <-->
server Particulary client can see and access server resources. Internet C.
Sharing works fine and no problem of connectivity betwen server - client .

I didn't change my basic- defaul shema . I keep my password blank by
default. I was log as admin on client and admin on server. Same workgroup
name AXELNET, different usernames , no passwords on both computers.

ALSO at the begining, I have installed Norton antivirus 2005 who has done a
update and manage very good windows firewall , Internet whorms attacks and
windows antivirus... insted of Microsoft firewall.....

AFTER this procedure. The problem: "client can not access server
ressources", printer and file sharing and internet connectivity issues . ALL

?????new SP2 from windows update has been modified, updated ?
????? Solution has been the fact using command: net user guest /active:
YES on both computers

Not sure at all where exactly the problem has been fixed.


FROM: ahyca
TRAFFIC ISSUES STEP BY STEP , problem has been fixed. Mystery remind.
This test involving laptop (client) with the same XP PRO SP2.
Desktop (server) is in XP PRO SP1. cabled crossover conecction. I have
configured this Homenetwork, using wizard. So, Simple File Sharing enabled
automatically, no windows firewall . Internet conecction (by Eth card), file
sharing and printer are working OK and TRAFFIC BOTH WAYS.
At this point (with network working perfectly) I have update my server to
SP2 using last file from windows update and not my old XP PRO with Sp 2
I do a cmd net user guest active/YES on both computer (suggested by
CHUCK, THKS) and all work ok like with sp1. Traffic bidirectional client <-->
server Particulary client can see and access server resources. Internet C.
Sharing works fine and no problem of connectivity betwen server - client .

I didn't change my basic- defaul shema . I keep my password blank by
default. I was log as admin on client and admin on server. Same workgroup
name AXELNET, different usernames , no passwords on both computers.

ALSO at the begining, I have installed Norton antivirus 2005 who has done a
update and manage very good windows firewall , Internet whorms attacks and
windows antivirus... insted of Microsoft firewall.....

AFTER this procedure. The problem: "client can not access server
ressources", printer and file sharing and internet connectivity issues . ALL

?????new SP2 from windows update has been modified, updated ?
????? Solution has been the fact using command: net user guest /active:
YES on both computers

Not sure at all where exactly the problem has been fixed.

Well, I have no idea what you did to resolve this, let alone what was wrong in
the first place. But thanks for updating us.

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net.

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