The Question No One Can Answer



Scott said:
Yes, Alias is a major Vista hater in these groups.

Well considering he posts with a (X-Window based [e.g Linux[)
newsreader that's not surprising.

To be a regular here and not be using Windows here(at least most of
the time) is kind of odd, don't you think?

I use XP Pro many hours a day for business and pleasure and have used
Windows since 1997, DOS in the late 80s and had a Mac back in 84, the
first one. I am probably going to buy Vista for the gaming machine,
which currently has XP Home running on it, when it's ready for prime
time. Out of three computers, only one has a dual boot with Ubuntu,
which I am learning. I don't hate anything except hatred. I sometimes
ask hard questions and some can answer them and some can only pull out
the Troll card and dismiss it and try to switch the focus on my persona
instead of the issues and content.



Frankster said:
Perhaps you cannot read numbers? Like 1) and 2) that I typed and you
quoted below? Those are reasons. You're still a Troll.


Please respond to content instead of trying to distract from contract by
going after my persona.

Thank you.



Richard said:
He (Alias) said two months ago that he wasn't running Vista and had no
plans to.

Now, no. I will buy it when it's ready for prime time.
He likes to stir the pot and watch what comes to the surface.

You like to insult people and ignore content.



Scott said:
Breadcrumbs beat the hell out of the old-fashioned "tree" for
navigation. Once you get the hang of then, they're much easier to
navigate (and therefore more efficient.

The start menu is VASTLY improved. Gone are those annoying expanding

Search is also built into the start menu. Just like in OS X and (KDE
and GNOME in X-window) you can type the name of the application you
want to run and it runs. You don't have to hunt for it.

Search. I every explorer window is a search box. If you've got a lot
of files (or icons as in the case of Control Panel) type the name of
what you want and you'll go right to it.

Depending on what you put there, the sidebar can be quite nice. I have
got a nice big clock, RSS feeds for news and local weather.

It's got better security than XP, although it's not implemented very

Flip-3D is actually useful. Yes, it;s eye-candy but I find it a nice
way to navigate apps.

They FINALLY did away with that absurdly named "Documents and
Settings" folder (equivalent of "home" anywhere else and replaced it
with "Users" And "My Documents" having been the equivalent of your
home folder in previous versions of Windows. is gone. Now said folder
is what it is everywhere else: a folder consisting of your user name
with default subfolders for Documents, Music, Video. Pictures (which I
renamed to "Images") and Downloads.

I used to manipulate that stuff to satisfy my "requirements". Now I
don't have to (with the one exception noted above).

IE downloads files to the above mentioned download directory by
default. That cuts down on desktop clutter (especially for someone
like me who;s a download junkie). Now I don't have to clean them off
my desktop (although I rarely use IE, but most people do so...).

You wanna know what my most fave thing about Vista is though?

It's got a KICK ASS GUI. Frankly that was the biggest reason I
upgraded. No it's not useful, but it's just "nice" to look at.

Thank you! You gave me some compelling reasons to get Vista. As soon as
it's ready, third party programs and drivers are ready, I'll get it!
Now I have a question for you.

Can you give me a GOOD reason to upgrade to the next version of GNOME,

Not a clue. I am just learning Linux. You probably know more about it
than I do.



Rich said:
That isn't a question that anyone should answer for you.
YOU do the work, answer that for yourself.
YOU know what YOU need, want and like.
A person who asks these kinds of questions is off on the wrong foot in

Don't ask anyone to do what you are unwilling to do.


I was hoping current users could shed some light on it without me having
to buy it. If you don't like that, I am sorry I offended you.


kirk jim

what???? windows explorer in vista is 10 times worse!!!

I hate it!!! its terrible! what are you talking about ????

Dustin Harper

Talking about his opinion. :)

I like Coke, others like Pepsi. Wars have been fought over it.... Well, not
really, but you get my point. I love the old style knob on car stereos,
while others hate it and want the new button style. It's a matter of

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Personally, there are things about
Vista I don't like that others are drooling over. Other things, like
Dreamscene (which is a worthless piece of eyecandy to some) is awesome. But,
that's just me.

Dustin Harper
(e-mail address removed)


Gary VanderMolen

Alias said:
Can you give one GOOD reason to upgrade to Vista and one GOOD and USEFUL
thing that Vista can do that XP can't besides make you dig very deep
into your pockets to assure that Bill Gates remains the richest man in
the world with the hardware and software vendors close behind?


No one is forcing you to upgrade, so why obsess over it?
Most people getting Vista will do so because it comes on a new PC.

Gary VanderMolen

Michael Jennings said:
Hey! There's #3 and #9 - they're legit.

#9 concerns wireless networking.
Funny, I had no trouble setting up wireless networking under WinXP.

Ashton Crusher

Can you give one GOOD reason to upgrade to Vista and one GOOD and USEFUL
thing that Vista can do that XP can't besides make you dig very deep
into your pockets to assure that Bill Gates remains the richest man in
the world with the hardware and software vendors close behind?


I know nothing about MAC OSs but couldn't the same question be asked
about the MAC OS upgrades? I mean, if you listen to the MAC fanatics
their machines have ALWAYS done EVERYTHING so how could they ever need
an OS upgrade?

Geta Klew

Yeah, lots of them. But since this has been hashed through about 865,453,326
times already and most people still don't get it, I think I'll pass.


Gary said:
No one is forcing you to upgrade, so why obsess over it?
Most people getting Vista will do so because it comes on a new PC.

I am here to learn about Vista. Someone posting about Vista in a Vista
newsgroup is not "obsessing".



Dustin said:
Very true. Somewhere around 95% of new OS purchases are from OEM on new

In the USA, yes. In Spain, no. In Spain, most people have computers
built for them with a generic OEM of the Windows of their choice
provided on a CD along with a CD for the MB drivers. Remember AOL tried
to do their thing here and practically no one fell for it and they went
out of business here. In the USA, millions fell for it.


Adam Albright

In the USA, yes. In Spain, no. In Spain, most people have computers
built for them with a generic OEM of the Windows of their choice
provided on a CD along with a CD for the MB drivers. Remember AOL tried
to do their thing here and practically no one fell for it and they went
out of business here. In the USA, millions fell for it.


I still have dozens of AOL CDs, they make lovely coasters. ;-)


Adam said:
I still have dozens of AOL CDs, they make lovely coasters. ;-)

Here they tried to sell it with an AOL computer through the banks.
Didn't work.


Dustin Harper

Or clocks, or hanging in tree's to scare birds.... AOL started a crafting
craze with those CD's. :)

And yes, unfortunately, it did work for AOL. People heard about the new
interweb, and they wanted on it. AOL was the most accessable, and easiest
way to do it. They used other's local access numbers and routed it to their
network. It was actually a great business plan.

Dustin Harper
(e-mail address removed)



I was hoping current users could shed some light on it without me having
to buy it. If you don't like that, I am sorry I offended you.

heh, you didn't offend me.
a very good piece of advice to take the rest of the way into life
NEVER be offended or hurt by those you don't know or respect.
I don't know you.
I was hoping current users could shed some light on it without me having
to buy it. If you don't like that, I am sorry I offended you.

Then READ, RESEARCH you want others subjective thoughts?
If the money is the main worry, wait.
Let the dust settle.

Vista is faster, on my machine yes, yours? who knows?
The search feature is the single most helpful, most used feature so far by
Will it be for you? who knows?
UAC? I love it. will you? who knows
I appreciate what its doing for me, and hardly ever pops up anymore
Aero is nice works fine, lasts long time, even straight out of the box with
no ATI video drives installed
will you like it? who knows (or cares -- remember its what appeals to you
not me)

I set my goal to build back my old XP machine to the state I left it when I
moved to VISTA
I didn't upgrade over an existing OS (never would do that, thats like
remodeling your house while
still living in it, it can be done but you'll be mad at the world until its
done and cleaned up)

One week later, 98% there
one issue during install that was resolved during install (driver)
one piece of harware/software that was obsolete even in XP (but ran)
I expected this to not work. No big deal.

All in all, excellent experience and getting better.

Its a big grown up would out there.
Full of all sorts of people with differing adgendas
Ultimately you have to decide on you own and live by
your decision.

If you ask me, VISTA is superb, but I didn't walk in looking
for VISTA to be Merlin the Wizard and take care of me for
the rest of my life. You get out of it what you put into it.

the only downside?
I have to learn the new ways to get from here to there in the OS
Thats MY problem.

Computers are magnifiers
you're a jerk, they make you a bigger jerk
you're a liar, they make it way easy to spread your lies
you're disorganized and careless, well ... where the heck is that thought I
just had
I wrote it down somewhere, damit
you're a good researcher, you become way more capable

Good luck with your decision to go or not go with Vista



Then you should like XP, 2000, and NT4 with Option Pack as they have the
same search as Vista. In the others you entered your query in the Containing
Text field. Note the earlier versions also could generate a summary for each
document (had to read help in the component to find query syntax) and
display results in a google like page (the UI for this was deeply buried).

Please search is not new.


Please search is not new.


No, lots of other OSes have a search feature, you are correct. But none are
like Vista. What goes on under the bonnet is different; in Vista it's
faster, more comprehensive and more efficient. A cursory glance at the Vista
feature list would have confirmed this.

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