The Question No One Can Answer



Jupiter said:
You already know the answer since this has come up before many times
with you as a major participant.
Now this makes one wonder what is your real motive for your post since
you have already seen the answers many times.

But a brief summary.
Only the computer owner can determine if upgrading is necessary.
Only upgrade if there is some expected benefit.
Benefits such as the new security.
New hardware that requires a new OS
New software that requires a new OS.
Work requirements.

Just because there is a new operating system in itself is insufficient
reason to upgrade.
That applies to all operating systems from any source including your
current favorite Ubuntu.
Obviously a vista upgrade is not for you in your situation, but that is
only you.

Do you also ask about Linux upgrades repeatedly on the Linux newsgroups?
If yes, what do they say?
If no, why do you continually bring it up here for an OS you do not like
and not in a forum for an OS you like since the information will be more
relevant to you?

Um, I plan to buy Vista for gaming when it's ready for Prime Time. I am
researching it and others besides myself may want to know the answer to
this question, which, I might add, you've answered beautifully and are
the only one who has.


kirk jim

The only reason I can think of is in the future, when some new programs come
that take advantage of the 3d desktop of vista. An example is the new yahoo
that they are working on.

Of course all this is eye candy.. but we know is worthless in every other

Dustin Harper

From a previous post: Give me one good reason to upgrade from WinXP. I want
to play Crysis in all
it's DX10 glory. Ok... Gotta have Vista! :)

Answered my question on Vista. Besides being a techno-geek and a PC
consultant/tech... Insult? You never answered my question: What don't you
like about it?

Dustin Harper
(e-mail address removed)


Dustin Harper

No. Just one of my main reasons for upgrading. Do you want me to list all my
reasons? It might take a while.

You asked for the answer. That was MY answer. My opinion. You have the right
to your, just don't diss mine.

And as previously stated: yes, you are a troll. You don't offer any
meaningful posts, don't accept answers to your questions, and reject other's
opinions. Therefore, you are trolling this group.

Dustin Harper
(e-mail address removed)


Dustin Harper

So, are you saying you don't even OWN or USE Vista and you're in here
bashing it to the ground?

We all have our own reasons for upgrading, and they are all correct. I
upgraded because I love new technology, and new games. I have a somewhat
newer system (and an upgrade on the way: no reason for it, no extra
features, just faster and it's fun). My reasons may not be for everyone, but
they are what I chose.

What is the point of upgrading from an Athlon X2 4400 to a Core 2 Duo E6600
and overclock the crap out of it (overclocking is another thing you may ask
about the reasoning...)? None really. Just a little extra speed... No new
features. But, I'm going to do it!

Why is the GeForce 8800 GTX selling? There are no DX10 games out. Why is the
PhysX PPU selling? Not much benefit in that. People have their own reasons,
be it what they may, and that's their CHOICE. No one is forcing anyone to
upgrade. Vista comes on new PC's because that's the way it has been since
the dawn of the OS. It has to come with something, and why ship it with
older technology?

I can't answer your question, because your answer is different than my
answer. Different than my Dad's answer. Different that the senior citizen
down the road, and a lot different than the creepy guy that hangs out at the
mall ;).

Dustin Harper

Some say eye candy is worthless... I'm a gamer. Sure, gameplay wins, but
they eye candy really does create the immersion factor. It helps with the

Same with audio. Some are happy with AM mono sound. I like High fidelity 5.1
DVD-Audio. Same song, though. :)

See, we all have different opinions, and different requirements from our

Dustin Harper
(e-mail address removed)


Michael Jennings

john said:
did you actually read any of these 100 reasons?
all marketing, no substance

Hey! There's #3 and #9 - they're legit. I didn't see the, "I want a makeover,"
reason - maybe I missed it - trash that mungy old XP user interface! I don't
know how women's feet fit in the pointy toes of the shoes they wear here,
but they get 'em in there somehow. Men don't wear kilts here, either.
One squishy compelling reason to switch to Vista would be fashion.


Perhaps you cannot read numbers? Like 1) and 2) that I typed and you quoted
below? Those are reasons. You're still a Troll.


Richard Urban

He (Alias) said two months ago that he wasn't running Vista and had no plans

He likes to stir the pot and watch what comes to the surface.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User


Sure! I want to access my 5TB RAID drive as a single partition (GUID)
without all the overhead of using spanned volumes AND at the same time as
having available all the Windows based tools that I have.


Can you give one GOOD reason to upgrade to Vista and one GOOD and USEFUL
thing that Vista can do that XP can't besides make you dig very deep
into your pockets to assure that Bill Gates remains the richest man in
the world with the hardware and software vendors close behind?

See for details.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


Can you give one GOOD reason to upgrade to Vista and one GOOD and USEFUL
thing that Vista can do that XP can't besides make you dig very deep
into your pockets to assure that Bill Gates remains the richest man in
the world with the hardware and software vendors close behind?

Breadcrumbs beat the hell out of the old-fashioned "tree" for
navigation. Once you get the hang of then, they're much easier to
navigate (and therefore more efficient.

The start menu is VASTLY improved. Gone are those annoying expanding

Search is also built into the start menu. Just like in OS X and (KDE
and GNOME in X-window) you can type the name of the application you
want to run and it runs. You don't have to hunt for it.

Search. I every explorer window is a search box. If you've got a lot
of files (or icons as in the case of Control Panel) type the name of
what you want and you'll go right to it.

Depending on what you put there, the sidebar can be quite nice. I have
got a nice big clock, RSS feeds for news and local weather.

It's got better security than XP, although it's not implemented very

Flip-3D is actually useful. Yes, it;s eye-candy but I find it a nice
way to navigate apps.

They FINALLY did away with that absurdly named "Documents and
Settings" folder (equivalent of "home" anywhere else and replaced it
with "Users" And "My Documents" having been the equivalent of your
home folder in previous versions of Windows. is gone. Now said folder
is what it is everywhere else: a folder consisting of your user name
with default subfolders for Documents, Music, Video. Pictures (which I
renamed to "Images") and Downloads.

I used to manipulate that stuff to satisfy my "requirements". Now I
don't have to (with the one exception noted above).

IE downloads files to the above mentioned download directory by
default. That cuts down on desktop clutter (especially for someone
like me who;s a download junkie). Now I don't have to clean them off
my desktop (although I rarely use IE, but most people do so...).

You wanna know what my most fave thing about Vista is though?

It's got a KICK ASS GUI. Frankly that was the biggest reason I
upgraded. No it's not useful, but it's just "nice" to look at.

Now I have a question for you.

Can you give me a GOOD reason to upgrade to the next version of GNOME,


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


LOL! *That's* funny. The only real security in computing resides between
your ears, not some program or OS. It's called "safe hex", with the
exception, of course, of running a Linux live CD without installing it.

A live CD is more secure but I don't see why that couldn' t present a
problem as well. If you use it to mount directories on your hard
drive that could give a hacker access to your computer and files.

Of course the chances of that happening are slim to nil. But then the
changes of being affected by any of the security holes you read about
most anywhere (for any OS) are pretty slim as well.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


Another one who can only insult and not answer the question.

The wording of your question could be interpreted as somewhat
insulting as well.

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


Yes, Alias is a major Vista hater in these groups.

Well considering he posts with a (X-Window based [e.g Linux[)
newsreader that's not surprising.

To be a regular here and not be using Windows here(at least most of
the time) is kind of odd, don't you think?


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


The only reason I can think of is in the future, when some new programs come
that take advantage of the 3d desktop of vista. An example is the new yahoo
that they are working on.

Of course all this is eye candy.. but we know is worthless in every other

Comparing Windows Explorer in Vista to that in XP is like comparing a
brand new Ferrari to a 1985 Ford Escort.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


GOOD JOB, ALIAS. No one can give you the correct answer.

I gave him several.


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
NOTICE: In-Newsgroup (and therefore off-topic) comments on my sig will
be cheerfully ignored, so don't waste our time.


Can you give one GOOD reason to upgrade to Vista and one GOOD and USEFUL

That isn't a question that anyone should answer for you.
YOU do the work, answer that for yourself.
YOU know what YOU need, want and like.
A person who asks these kinds of questions is off on the wrong foot in life.

Don't ask anyone to do what you are unwilling to do.


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