System File Check (SFC) enhancement request for Windows (all Versi



When doing a SFC check (open cmd and type sfc), Windows requires the CD/DVD
to recover damaged files.

Why can't it obtain these files online as many users don't have the CD/DVD
or right CD with the right SP etc?

I have a broken PC and I can't fix it because they don't have the XP SP2 CD
and it needs to restore some files. :-(

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PA Bear [MS MVP]

And your suggestion is...?

[Did installing or uninstalling IE8 Beta hork your system?]


Microsoft coders don't as a rule visit these forums. Only us hacks.<g>

Most OEM computers have an 'i386' folder somewhere on the C: drive,
containing the CD setup-files. You have two options:

Burn this to a CD.
Adjust the registry setting which determines where SFC looks for replacement
files. (which the OEM should have done, but many omit to do)


Hello Rey,

Does that method described in the link work for XP systems that are at SP3?


Rey Santos

Yes, just put the correct path of the I386 folder. In my case it's located
under the Windows directory, so path is C:/WINDOWS.

Roy Smith

Alan said:
Hello Rey,

Does that method described in the link work for XP systems that are at SP3?

The article the link refers you to talks about copying the I386 folder
from your install cd to the hard drive, then editing a registry key to
make Windows look at the hard drive for the I386 folder instead of the
cd drive.

Yes it will work on a Win XP system with SP3, but if your PC wasn't
already set up this way you need to slipstream SP3 with your install cd
before you copy the I386 folder to your drive.

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