System Explorer Disappears



The system explorer on this XP system does not show the
details on the left, just a general help note on the


I did notice that in removing some spyware it appeared
that MASW got hijacked and would not open. I ran an
install again but which allowed it to open and scan, but
I can not get at the explorers.
On my other PC, it fixed a problem that caused
taskmgt/regedit/msconfig to quickly open and disappear.
Only app that did fix it!



I have the same problem - it works on one PC but not the
other. Both use XP. I had a problem with the initial
install failing - reinstalled it and the scan worked. I
then uninstalled it and reinstalled it but the System
explorer stuff still doesn't show up.


I too have this issue with my system explorers not
showing anything on the left side of the screen.
Uninstall/ Reinstall did not work. Has anybody been able
to fix this?

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