SUS reboot issues - Group Policy



I am setting up SUS on a Windows 2000 server and intend
on configuring a group policy in Active Directory to roll
this out to the clients. I want to Auto download and
schedule the install, set the
NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers to 1, and reschedule the
wait time to 15min for computers that are turned off.

My issue is that we have Oracle database servers that
would be automatically restarted overnight (when no local
admin is logged on). This could cause problems. I could
schedule a job to shut down the databases each night, but
it is not good practice to shut them down too often.

It would be great if I could set up a Windows Update
policy that will not auto-reboot any machine with a
Server OS. Does anyone know to do that? I am reading up
on using a security group to hopefully limit the scope of
all the Windows Update group policies so that I can
exclude the db servers... I may have just answered my own
question but I'm not sure yet.

I sincerely appreciate any input.
Thanks, Matthew.


Create different OUs for different servers. Create different policies for
each scenerio. Link only the "oracle db server" policy to the "oracle db
servers" OU, etc...

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