stuck with a MS Outlook 2003 issue on vista




I asked this question in the past days, there was a follow up by Chuck, i
did all he adivsed, but the problem not only was not solved, but it's
happening more and more often.

When i reply to emails on MS outlook the application quits saying MS WORD
has quit and is now restarting.... yes, it says MS Word, although i was
actually using MS Outlook.

I have to say i am using the same version of MS Outlook i was using on my
older machine with windows XP and this problem is totally unexpected.

When the self solving Vista mechanisms starts, it just says that there are
no upgrades for this problem. I really don't know what to do. perhaps the
only thing should be quitting using MS Outlook?


Hello philrazor,

One thing that you might want to try -- at least as a stopgap measure -- is
to check to see if you are using MS Word as your default editor in Outlook
by clicking on Tools | Options and clicking the Mail Format tab.

Check to see if there is a tickmark in the box that says: "Use Microsoft
Word to edit e-mail messages." If there IS a tickmark, then clear it and
click OK. (This is where this option is in Outlook 2000. I suspect it's
similar in Outlook 2003.)

After you've done this, reboot and see if you're still having this problem.



Alan, it is now working fine, and it doesn't quit anymore! that's great, and
i had thought that the solution was somewhere there around.

Anyway, now i lose the option of having spell checking though! is there a
way around that too?



You're welcome. I'm glad it worked out

As far as I know, so long as you have Word installed on the computer, your
spell-check in Outlook will still work.

What you will no longer have are some of the more fancy styles -- like
advanced bullets and numbering and the extra colors for fonts that are
available with Word, for example -- when you use the built-in Outlook
editor, rather than using Word as your editor.



Alan, what you say makes total sense to me, but no, no spell check since i
un-checked that tickmark for letting MS Word edit email messages, the
dictionary is no longer running. Can you address this question too???


I'm sorry, phil, at this point I'm not sure why your spell-check isn't

I know that with XP the fact that someone isn't using MS Word as the editor
makes no difference, vis-a-vis, spell-check, so long as MS Word is installed
on the machine.

I know that personally, as that's how mine is set up. :> I also should
correct something I wrote earlier when I mentioned Outlook 2000. I'm
actually using Outlook XP/2002.



next to the Mail Setup tab is the Spelling tab. What do you see when you
click that tab? you should see several checkboxes for options, including
"always check spelling before sending" and there is also a pull down box to
select the language for your dictionary.

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