Vista, MS Outlook issue




I have a toshiba A-100-014 and windows vista home edition. When i use
outlook express, there are certain messages - just some of them, can't quite
understand what is the problem with these messages - that when i hit the
reply button, as soon as i start typing the message, the whole error
procedure starts with windows vista, it often results into opening up a web
page where it asks me to do an updating of outlook, so i click the link which
takes me to a page that says that no fixes exist for this problem on outlook
2003 and vista, but only for MS outlook 2007 and or for windows XP and other
editions. Hope someone here knows how i should fix this. thanks!

Chad Harris

HI Phil--

Does this Outlook 2003 error have a number and do you mind putting the exact
error up here? I ran OL 2003 opn Vista until OL 2007 Betas became available
and did not see it. deals with a number of Outlook version errors, but if you
can tell me the error message and number I can probably nail it.

This sounds something like your error:

You receive an error message when you try to perform any editing tasks, or
you must click to enable the compose frame in Outlook Web Access

Good luck,


What could be more boring than the superficiality of Tim Russert
interviewing the dead end posturing of John McCain who hasn't a chance of an
ice cube in hell? The Republican candidates are so doomed already it's

Saturday, May 12, 2007
FRANK RICH: Earth to G.O.P: The Gipper Is Dead
OF course you didn’t watch the first Republican presidential debate on
MSNBC. Even the party’s most loyal base didn’t abandon Fox News, where Bill
O’Reilly, interviewing the already overexposed George Tenet, drew far more
viewers. Yet the few telling video scraps that entered the 24/7 mediasphere
did turn the event into an instant “Saturday Night Live†parody without
“SNL†having to lift a finger. The row of 10 middle-aged white candidates,
David Letterman said, looked like “guys waiting to tee off at a restricted
country club.â€

Since then, panicked Republicans have been either blaming the “Let’s Make a
Deal†debate format or praying for salvation-by-celebrity in the form of
another middle-aged white guy who might enter the race, Fred Thompson. They
don’t seem to get that there is not another major brand in the country — not
Wal-Mart, not G.E., not even Denny’s nowadays — that would try to sell a
mass product with such a demographically homogeneous sales force. And that’s
only half the problem. The other half is that the Republicans don’t have a
product to sell. Aside from tax cuts and a wall on the Mexican border, the
only issue that energized the presidential contenders was Ronald Reagan. The
debate’s most animated moments by far came as they clamored to lip-sync his
“optimism,†his “morning in America,†his “shining city on the hill†and
even, in a bizarre John McCain moment out of a Chucky movie, his grin.

The candidates mentioned Reagan’s name 19 times, the current White House
occupant’s once. Much as the Republicans hope that the Gipper can still be a
panacea for all their political ills, so they want to believe that if only
President Bush would just go away and take his rock-bottom approval rating
and equally unpopular war with him, all of their problems would be solved.
But it could be argued that the Iraq fiasco, disastrous to American
interests as it is, actually masks the magnitude of the destruction this
presidency has visited both on the country in general and the G.O.P. in

By my rough, conservative calculation — feel free to add — there have been
corruption, incompetence, and contracting or cronyism scandals in these
cabinet departments: Defense, Education, Justice, Interior, Homeland
Security, Veterans Affairs, Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban
Development. I am not counting State, whose deputy secretary, a champion of
abstinence-based international AIDS funding, resigned last month in a
prostitution scandal, or the General Services Administration, now being
investigated for possibly steering federal favors to Republican
Congressional candidates in 2006. Or the Office of Management and Budget,
whose chief procurement officer was sentenced to prison in the Abramoff
fallout. I will, however, toss in a figure that reveals the sheer depth of
the overall malfeasance: no fewer than four inspectors general, the official
watchdogs charged with investigating improprieties in each department, are
themselves under investigation simultaneously — an all-time record.

Wrongdoing of this magnitude does not happen by accident, but it is not
necessarily instigated by a Watergate-style criminal conspiracy. When
corruption is this pervasive, it can also be a byproduct of a governing
philosophy. That’s the case here. That Bush-Rove style of governance, the
common denominator of all the administration scandals, is the Frankenstein
creature that stalks the G.O.P. as it faces 2008. It has become the
Republican brand and will remain so, even after this president goes, until
courageous Republicans disown it and eradicate it.

It’s not the philosophy Mr. Bush campaigned on. Remember the candidate who
billed himself as a “different kind of Republican†and a “compassionate
conservative� Karl Rove wanted to build a lasting Republican majority by
emulating the tactics of the 1896 candidate, William McKinley, whose victory
ushered in G.O.P. dominance that would last until the New Deal some 35 years
later. The Rove plan was to add to the party’s base, much as McKinley had at
the dawn of the industrial era, by attracting new un-Republican-like
demographic groups, including Hispanics and African-Americans. Hence, No
Child Left Behind, an education program pitched particularly to urban
Americans, and a 2000 nominating convention that starred break dancers,
gospel singers, Colin Powell and, as an M.C., the only black Republican
member of Congress, J. C. Watts.

As always, the salesmanship was brilliant. One smitten liberal columnist
imagined in 1999 that Mr. Bush could redefine his party: “If compassion and
inclusion are his talismans, education his centerpiece and national unity
his promise, we may say a final, welcome goodbye to the wedge issues that
have divided Americans by race, ethnicity and religious conviction.†Or not.
As Matthew Dowd, the disaffected Bush pollster, concluded this spring, the
uniter he had so eagerly helped elect turned out to be “not the person†he
thought, but instead a divider who wanted to appeal to the “51 percent of
the people†who would ensure his hold on power.

But it isn’t just the divisive Bush-Rove partisanship that led to scandal.
The corruption grew out of the White House’s insistence that partisanship —
the maintenance of that 51 percent — dictate every governmental action no
matter what the effect on the common good. And so the first M.B.A. president
ignored every rule of sound management. Loyal ideologues or flunkies were
put in crucial positions regardless of their ethics or competence.
Government business was outsourced to campaign contributors regardless of
their ethics or competence. Even orthodox Republican fiscal prudence was
tossed aside so Congressional allies could be bought off with bridges to

This was true way before many, let alone Matthew Dowd, were willing to see
it. It was true before the Iraq war. In retrospect, the first unimpeachable
evidence of the White House’s modus operandi was reported by the journalist
Ron Suskind, for Esquire, at the end of 2002. Mr. Suskind interviewed an
illustrious Bush appointee, the University of Pennsylvania political
scientist John DiIulio, who had run the administration’s
compassionate-conservative flagship, the Office of Faith-Based and Community
Initiatives. Bemoaning an unprecedented “lack of a policy apparatus†in the
White House, Mr. DiIulio said: “What you’ve got is everything — and I mean
everything — being run by the political arm. It’s the reign of the Mayberry

His words have been borne out repeatedly: by the unqualified political hacks
and well-connected no-bid contractors who sabotaged the occupation and
reconstruction of Iraq; the politicization of science at the Food and Drug
Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency; the outsourcing of
veterans’ care to a crony company at Walter Reed; and the purge of
independent United States attorneys at Alberto Gonzales’s Justice
Department. But even more pertinent, perhaps, to the Republican future is
how the Mayberry Machiavellis alienated the precise groups that Mr. Bush had
promised to add to his party’s base.

By installing a political hack, his 2000 campaign manager, Joe Allbaugh, at
the top of FEMA, the president foreordained the hiring of Brownie and the
disastrous response to Katrina. At the Education Department, the signature
No Child Left Behind program, Reading First, is turning out to be a cesspool
of contracting conflicts of interest. It’s also at that department that Bush
loyalists stood passively by while the student-loan industry scandal
exploded; at its center is Nelnet, the single largest corporate campaign
contributor to the 2006 G.O.P. Congressional campaign committee. Back at Mr.
Gonzales’s operation, where revelations of politicization and cover-ups
mount daily, it turns out that no black lawyers have been hired in the
nearly all-white criminal section of the civil rights division since 2003.

The sole piece of compassionate conservatism that Mr. Bush has tried not to
sacrifice to political expedience — nondraconian immigration reform — is
also on the ropes, done in by a wave of xenophobia that he has failed to
combat. Just how knee-jerk this strain has become could be seen in the MSNBC
debate when Chris Matthews asked the candidates if they would consider a
constitutional amendment to allow presidential runs by naturalized citizens
like their party’s star governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger (an American since
1983), and its national chairman, Senator Mel Martinez of Florida. Seven out
of 10 said no.

We’ve certainly come a long way from that 2000 Philadelphia convention, with
its dream of forging an inclusive, long-lasting G.O.P. majority. Instead of
break dancers and a black Republican congressman (there are none now), we’ve
had YouTube classics like Mr. Rove’s impersonation of a rapper at a
Washington journalists’ banquet and George Allen’s “macaca†meltdown.
Simultaneously, the once-reliable evangelical base is starting to drift as
some of its leaders join the battle against global warming and others
recognize that they’ve been played for fools on “family values†by the
G.O.P. establishment that covered up for Mark Foley.

Meanwhile, most of the pressing matters that the public cares passionately
about — Iraq, health care, the environment and energy independence — belong
for now to the Democrats. Though that party’s first debate wasn’t exactly an
intellectual feast either, actual issues were engaged by presidential
hopefuls representing a cross section of American demographics. You don’t
see Democratic candidates changing the subject to J.F.K. and F.D.R. They are
free to start wrestling with the future while the men inheriting the
Bush-Rove brand of Republicanism are reduced to harking back to a morning in
America on which the sun set in 1989.

posted by Total Kaos Inc at 7:11 PM 0 comments

MAUREEN DOWD: Labor’s Love Lost

Gordon Brown’s smile does not look at home on his face. It sits there
uneasily, like an uninvited guest at a party, until his features can resume
their comfortably dour grooves.

The brooding Scot ended his decade-long run as a hefty Heathcliff to Tony
Blair’s chatty Cathy, stepping out of the shadows Friday with visible relief
to begin a campaign for prime minister that he has already won.

Grumpy Gordon is an enigma compared with Captain Showbiz, as the glib Mr.
Blair is called by a morning TV host here. The 56-year-old son of a
Presbyterian minister, with hooded eyes and frugal charm, will be hard
pressed to compete on the European stage with Iron Frau Angela Merkel and
Nicolas Sarkozy, dubbed “Thatcher without petticoats.â€

Mr. Brown’s school friends came on TV to say he was more fun than he looked.
“He enjoys a good glass of wine,†said his pal Bill Campbell.

The chancellor has been striving to move beyond his reputation as a man so
obsessed with the budget that he wouldn’t even share the details in advance
with Tony Blair. He traded the green eyeshade for pastel ties. He told a
women’s magazine that he liked the rock band Arctic Monkeys, but later
couldn’t name any of their songs.

Mr. Brown was considered the uncool half of the Cool Britannia team that
swept into power on a wave of Champagne, celebrities and Cherie Blair’s New
Age guru. But thanks to his role as W.’s interlocutor and translator, Tony
Blair is uncool, too.

The first boomer prime minister got a blazing start in trying to make
Britain more modern and tolerant. But he fell in with an American crowd of
bullies who were turning back the clock on modernity and tolerance, and Tony
abused Britons’ trust.

Growing fearful that he would inherit a bankrupt franchise, Grumpy decided
this was his “nobody puts Baby in a corner†moment. The frowning apprentice
gave the drowning prime minister a shove out of Downing Street. Maybe the
last straw was the movie “The Queen,†chronicling Mr. Blair’s political
finesse after Princess Diana’s death. It mentions Mr. Brown in passing, when
Tony is too busy to take Gordon’s call and tells an aide to put him on hold.

Grumpy let Tony take the lead 13 years ago, believing Tony would hand off
power to him eventually. While Mr. Brown felt intellectually superior, he
knew his media skills were wanting. They still are. His debut was, as the
BBC put it, “a bit of a hash.â€

He got an uninspiring £100 haircut, which was “lost on everyone,†as one
reporter dryly put it. Arriving for a photo-op breakfast at a supporter’s
home in Southgate, the door slammed and locked on him, leaving him ringing
the bell as cameras rolled. Once inside, he tried to talk to a blond little
girl, but initially she froze him out. During his big speech, a teleprompter
obscured his face, and he faded into a bland beige background. On top of
that, Tony Blair chose that hour to attend a ceremony unveiling a statue of
a soccer star, so news channels had to split the screens for part of Mr.
Brown’s speech — a visual reminder of their tortured Lennon-and-McCartney

The Odd Couple had periods of not speaking, and Mr. Brown’s disdain for Mr.
Blair’s style showed. “I have never believed presentation should be a
substitute for policy,†he said. “I do not believe politics is about
celebrity.†He dropped the New Labor logo from the Labor Web site. He
promised to restore power to Parliament to rebuild trust in democracy — a
knock on the way Mr. Blair ignored public opinion to invade Iraq — and to
give more protection to civil liberties.

Mr. Blair’s defensive yet defiant resignation speech was elaborately
stage-managed, with spinners fanning out afterward to puff up his legacy,
even though, despite the remarkable achievements of Kosovo and Northern
Ireland, his legacy will be buried in the blood and sand of Iraq with W’s.
The speech set off a torrent of contempt about the era of spin he had
introduced, with critics saying it had rotted discourse. The expert spin
that helped him win three elections was also used to raise fears over Saddam’s
phantom W.M.D. TV played the clip over and over in which Mr. Blair said
Saddam had W.M.D. that could be activated in 45 minutes, but the former
Blair consigliere Peter Mandelson asserted that Tony didn’t want an ally to
have to go to war alone.

On Friday, the commentators began to fret that Mr. Brown needed more spin.
How would he fare against the young conservative David Cameron, known as
Blair Lite, if he couldn’t get the teleprompter out of his face, or keep his
pant leg out of his sock?

Was he too old? Could he wear the bottoms of his trousers rolled?


OK Chad, thank you so much for your answer.

Are you familiar with windows vista? the problem that occurs to me does not
show an error number whatsoever. I will try to explain again shortly:

- I hit the reply button in my MS Outlook 2003 Pro edition (i have run all
the upgradings available)

- As soon as i start typing, windows vista comes up with a window saying
'the application has quit' (in italian so i can't tell you litterally in
english what it would be), then immediately thereafter another window opens
'the application is restarting'

-then MS WORD comes up with a window that looks like an MS Outlook email in
the mode that WORD uses for when you are retrieving a document that has quit
with an error, you know what i mean? on the left hand side i get various
'available files' of the document i was writing.

- if i start typing again like if nothing had happened, it does it again, a
window comes up saying 'an error has occurred' and then 'windows is fixing
the error'.

- finally a window pops open saying an error has forced quitting the
application but no numbers or other reference is quoted. basically the email
i was typing closes along with the MS WOrd application and nothing else

- at times after this happens, a window prompts me saying that a fix has
been found for this error, but then i click on the link which points me to a
webpage saying that the error is due to MS outlook and fixes only exist for
windows XP.

I hope this is not too long and that i was able to explain the problem. The
strange thing is that this only happens with some messages, randomly, but
only with those messages it does this error.

Also, i could chose not to run MS Outlook and use windows mail and windows
calendar, but i wanted to see if i could fix this problem before getting rid
of MS outlook.


Chad Harris


Your message is not too long but read what I've given you carefully because
I'm trying to address it.

I have used Vista since July 2005 when the Beta began. I have used all its
builds including some Beta testers did not get. I read a number of Vista
team members' blogs regularly. One tip is to take an issue you want to know
more about and type it in Google or MSN Search using the term with the words
"msdn blogs" or "technet blogs". I would also recommending following Ed
Bott's two Windows blogs regularly because they are invaluable.

I have used Outlook on it since the first day; for a while 2003 until I
could get my hands on the Beta of Office 2007. I continue to learn Vista
under the hood--there is a lot. I am going through the Vista Resource Kit
now to increase my grip. My aim was that if you had seen an error message
it would help. Did you look at the MSKB?

Also are you familiar with EVENT VIEWER? Put up your Run Box by hitting
Windows Key + R and type in it "eventvwr.msc" without quotes, and on the
left pane click Windows Errors and click on Application and then System and
look for Outlook errors at the time your problems with OL and Word have
occurred. Click on an error and use the down arrow. Do this within
Application and System as I said under Windows Errors. Here's how:

Take a look at the MSKB article I linked for you.

Also have you tried repairing Outlook 2003 by going to Help>Detect and

If necessary and that doesn't work, I'd download the Windows Installer
Cleanup Utlitlity and highlight every entry that refers to Office 2003 or
its apps and click OK. It's easy to use and you can find it on Google. It's
used all the time by the members of the Office teams at Redmond. Then I'd
uninstall Office 2003. The fact you're having issues with OL and Word both
is a compelling signal you may have to uninstall Office. You can run Detect
and Repair from any Office app (Help>Detect and Repair). It may not do the
trick, but uninstalling using the WICU first might. Also you may get
helpful error messages and numbers from Event Viewer concerning both Word
and Outlook at the time the errors happen.

Also I urge you to run Spyware scans including Defender which ships with
Vista (unless you have One Care and I'd then use the spyware scanner built
into One Care), and the free Ad-Aware. Ad-Aware now has a new Beta version
that released May 8,2007.

Good luck and let me know if you got errors from Event Viewer. If not, I'd
run Detect and Repair, then I'd uninstall Office 2003 and reinstall it. The
Windows Installer Cleanup Utility clears the path for the uninstall and the
reinstall by getting rid of corrupt files and registry orphans in the way.

I assume Vista is otherwises running okay, and your problem is only with
Office 2003. If you have an appropriate restore point to before this
happened, you might consider seeing if system restore will help.

It does sound like you may well have to uninstall and reinstall Office
depending on what errors you do or don't see in Event Viewer and whether
Detect and Repair is of help.

Good luck,



Chad, thank you so much for your kind friendly help.

I have done everything you mentioned. the strange thing is that when i run
the application like you describe to find out what's the window error, i
obtain i think what is only a generic error and descritption 1000. it does
not give any whatsoever details. and though there is a whole bunch of those
errors piled up in the log.

The other strange thing is that when i hit detect and repair all that
happens is a window pops up saying it's installing MS outlook and then after
a while it says it's done installing, but nothing else happens.

Regarding the procedure with uninstalling with the clean up feature you
suggested, i did that. I have lost the email message that was causing that
error, so i will know more in the future if it keeps giving me that error,
but in the meantime i can tell you this: the first time i quit the MS outlook
application it opened MS Word asking me if i wanted to save the changes i
made on the 'style normal'. I have no idea why it does this. another sad
thing is that i don't get the dictionary feature anymore in english and
italian. it's not working.

It's kind of strange that in my older computer with a smaller processor i
had no problems whatsoever and upgrading to a new computer that's stilla
toshiba with a faster better processor and windows vista all i am having is
these little nags.

Thanks a lot though!


I apologyze for the many messages.

Here is what's going on. I had that message re-sent to me, and the same
identical problem happened.

The error message that i get and that's saved in the log is as follows:
Firma del problema
Nome evento problema: APPCRASH
Nome applicazione: WINWORD.EXE
Versione applicazione: 11.0.8134.0
Timestamp applicazione: 461557b7
Nome modulo con errori: MSGRIT32.DLL
Versione modulo con errori:
Timestamp modulo con errori: 42942609
Codice eccezione: c0000005
Offset eccezione: 00050d50
Versione SO: 6.0.6000.
ID impostazioni locali: 1040

Ulteriori informazioni sul problema
LCID: 1040
Brand: Office11Crash
skulcid: 1040
ID bucket: 426264912

As you can see it shows as a MS word error, not an outlook error. this
happens with SOME messages sent to me in HTML format with gifs and what not.

I had this issue when i firstly installed the softaware of this window
popping up from MS word asking me i wanted to save 'Normal'.

I don't know if you can still help, thank you!

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