Splash screen doesnt clear on Boot



I am trying to resolve a problem that the Windows XP splash screen doesnt clear to the logon screen in a new winxp installation

When it boots ie either normal or safe mode the splash screen doesnt clesr and remains in a frosen state untill the computer is rebooted

It never reaches log on


If you ever reached Desktop on this box, try loading Last Known Good


If you never got to Desktop before, then reinstall clean


Low transfat and low carb diet for your pc or How to optimize Windows XP for the best performance

http://www.rikhard.com (link in the middle

Always keep antivirus and spy removal applications (links on the bottom of the page) up-to-date, and scan regularly.


This is an image of the current HDD i am working from. The image is on a larger HDD abd it seems to be a driver problem If I can identify the driver iI can clear it and complet the boot to logon.


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