SP2 affected ODBC?


Mark Green

A decidedly annoying problem has cropped up since I installed SP2.

Normally my bank provides statements as .CSV files, and I can click on
a form button on a web page to download them.

However, since installing SP2, when the button is clicked the .CSV
file opens inside an Excel container within the bank's frame.
Unfortunately, the Excel container does not seem to be able to provide
a menu bar, so attempting to click File/Save from within the Excel
container pulls up the Internet Explorer version of File/Save that
tries to save the whole page as HTML. I can't click "save target
as.." to force a download because the download is initiated by a form
button rather than a link, and I can't break out of the frame because
any attempt to do so is detected by the bank's server which restores
the frames.

Why would SP2 cause this, and how can I get around it?

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