Setting up W2000 with an XP machine



I hate to sound stupid, but I have just acquired a laptop
running XP home edition with wireless conenction. Works
great getting to the cable modem through the router. My
problem is trying to connect it to the desktop that is
plugged into the same router. XP appears to set up fine,
but I am unable to get the w2000 professional desktop to
be able to share. The printers are on this machine, so I
want to be able to share them and the harddrive. I
disabled the firewall temporarily, but that didn't help.
Any help would be appreciated...

Abhijeet Nigam [MSFT]


I could not clearly understand what excatly you want however
If you want to share your windows 2000 Professional Hard drive then right
click on the hard drive in my computer and choose sharing , In the sharing
provide a share name and give permissions to every one to access it .
Similarly go to printers folder in control panel and share the printers

But before that check that you can ping both machine

eg : on the XP machine

click on start---run
type in cmd and press ok
you will get the command prompt type
ping <IPaddress of the windows 2000 professional>
If ping works fine then you can acces the printers and hard drive otherwise
check your networking and default gateway in both the machines

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Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

On the Win2K PC, create local user account(s), with non-blank
password(s), that have the desired access privileges to the desired
shares. Log on to the other PCs using those account(s), and you will
be able to access the designated shares, provided your network is
configured properly.

Configuring Windows 2000 Professional to Work in a Peer-to-Peer

Bruce Chambers
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