Sasser worm



I have a user who now has the sasser worm...

Win XP Home

boots up,... "blue screen of death" with the
error code...

"Stop:c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The windows Logon Process system process terminated
unexpecteldy with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000
0x00000000). The system has been shut down."

It won't run in safe mode, or safe mode w/ cmd
prompt, the only removal instructions I have seen on are within XP, and I can't get the
operating system to load.
I can however use an xp startup disk to get to cmd
prompt, but when I type C:\, i get an "invalid drive"

What can I do to extract various word.doc's?
Most likely will have to recover/reformat?
Try Win 98 startup disk?

Sebastian Offtenhuase

You seem to have the sasser worm
Yes, you may get the blue screen of death but your only
chance now is to F8 on logon and reformat

This is your only choice!
Good luck trooper...

oh boy

Thats not the Sasser work. The blue screen of death in
XP is very bad. The in ability to ref the C:\ is even
worse. You have a Hard Drive failer. the first thing you
needs is a new disk. If it is not 100% dead, try putting
it into another machine as a slave drive and pulling data
off that way. If it is 100% dead a data recovery service
may beable to help you.


I hope it's not the hard drive.

Like the previous poster said:

Connect you drive to another box (make sure it has fresh
antivirus installed), and retrieve data.
Then try scanning the old drive... Maybe it's not bad.

Good Luck!


Either your HDD or your HDD controller are bad.

Time to get the checkbook out...


Menno Hershberger

I have a user who now has the sasser worm...

Win XP Home

boots up,... "blue screen of death" with the
error code...

"Stop:c000021a {Fatal System Error}
The windows Logon Process system process terminated
unexpecteldy with a status of 0xc0000005 (0x00000000
0x00000000). The system has been shut down."

It won't run in safe mode, or safe mode w/ cmd
prompt, the only removal instructions I have seen on are within XP, and I can't get the
operating system to load.
I can however use an xp startup disk to get to cmd
prompt, but when I type C:\, i get an "invalid drive"

What can I do to extract various word.doc's?
Most likely will have to recover/reformat?
Try Win 98 startup disk?

No one has suggested a repair install. If you have an XP install CD
(other than a restore CD) then boot your computer with the CD. The first
prompt will be if you want to do a repair with the repair console. NO.
Keep going until it asks you if you want to install Windows. Press enter
and it should locate your present installation. It will then ask you if
you want to to a repair install. Press R. Somewhere along the line it'll
ask for the product ID number, so be sure to have it available. If your
hard drive is really really bad, then it might not recognize the current
installation. In that case you're probably out of luck. Like the others
suggested about slaving the drive to another computer to try and save
some of your data... that *might* work, but the other system probably
won't be able to recognize it either.

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