Rockfire Force Feedback Wheel Driver for XP



I'm looking for XP driver for Rockfire Force Feedback
Wheel Driver for Win XP. I've been trying to look for
this driver for the last 2 months without any success.
Anybody can help me. Thank you.

Device Model No: QF2000IF
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
Found the Driver


I've found two drivers for the Rockfire Real Force Feedback Racing Wheel QF-2000IF which should work with W2K and XP.

I could not test it, becouse i'm not sure if the ac-Adaptor which i have, is the right one.
Pleace send me the data for the Adaptor (eg.: Output: Voltage, Ampere, Watt)
If you don't allready have the driver, i can send it to you per mail.

Ciao Clemens

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