Report This Error Loop



Since allowing my XP system to run a live update my
Messenger systems (MSN and Yahoo) will not run properly
and my PC is plagued with the constant popping-up of
the "Messenger has encountered a problem and needs to
close, Send error report" window. It seems to be about
every 25 seconds or so. I am clueless as to what to do
and my PC is useless while this is going on. (It's been
about 4 days now!) I have uninstalled both messengers and
run a scan but it still occurs even without the programs
installed! ARGHHH! Please help me!


I would disable error reporting(rightclick mycomputer,advanced tab,error
reporting button).
then I would uninstall messenger,download and reinstall messenger.
see if it does it anymore.
you never said if this was windows messenger or msn messenger..... there the
same pretty much.
try installing the other one.


Thanks for your suggestion. I tried it but after 2
seconds of holding my breath in anticipation I got the
dreaded message. ARGHH. I'm about to go nuts! Any other
ideas? I tried to get ahold get ahold of Microsoft but as
I'm living in Tokyo I would have to take out a loan to
talk to cutomer service in Canada. I'm ready to buy a Mac!


you never did say which messenger you are using msn messenger or windows
if you are using the windows messenger (the one that came with windows)
download msn messenger

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