recycle bin weirdness


Frustration XP

there's something wrong with my recycle bin. i had some files in the
recycle bin, i r-clicked it, then clicked 'Empty Recycle Bin', got the
confirmation dialog, clicked 'Yes', heard the 'Empty Recycle Bin' sound
but the icon didn't change to the empty bin. I did the same again, and
got another confirmation dialog asking if i'm sure i want to delete
WINDOWS, i clicked 'No'.

what gives? my up-to-date copy of norton antivirus 2003 says i don't
have a virus. windows is up-to-date. is this yet another xp bug?

please help. thank you. have a great day.

Black Baptist

Frustration XP rambled on in microsoft.public.windowsxp.help_and_support:
there's something wrong with my recycle bin. i had some files in the
recycle bin, i r-clicked it, then clicked 'Empty Recycle Bin', got the
confirmation dialog, clicked 'Yes', heard the 'Empty Recycle Bin' sound
but the icon didn't change to the empty bin. I did the same again, and
got another confirmation dialog asking if i'm sure i want to delete
WINDOWS, i clicked 'No'.

what gives? my up-to-date copy of norton antivirus 2003 says i don't
have a virus. windows is up-to-date. is this yet another xp bug?

please help. thank you. have a great day.

try deleting the iconcache.db file and rebooting...the file is located at
C:\Documents and Settings\Your user name\Local Settings\Application Data

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