Radeon 9800 GART question



And I'm sure there's been no shortage of them. I bought a All in Wonder 9800
Pro for my A7N8x (512M DDR, AMD 2500+ XP, running Windows XP Pro. The 9800
manual says to install the GART drivers first (before installing the
Catalyst drivers), and gives chipset sites to go to. No ASUS, no NVIDIA.
I've been trolling google searches, newsgroup histories...I'm finding
conflicting info, no clear lead as to which set of GART, whose to use. GART
Li'l help? Thanks, Jim


"Yojimbo" said:
And I'm sure there's been no shortage of them. I bought a All in Wonder 9800
Pro for my A7N8x (512M DDR, AMD 2500+ XP, running Windows XP Pro. The 9800
manual says to install the GART drivers first (before installing the
Catalyst drivers), and gives chipset sites to go to. No ASUS, no NVIDIA.
I've been trolling google searches, newsgroup histories...I'm finding
conflicting info, no clear lead as to which set of GART, whose to use. GART
Li'l help? Thanks, Jim

Notice that the GART driver, is part of the Unified Driver Package.
The AGP GART miniport driver is just one of the items in this
package. The only item I would not use, is the IDE NVIDIA driver.
For IDE, I use the default Microsoft IDE driver.


After those chipset drivers are installed, you can install the
package for the 9800Pro. The ATI Catalyst package consists of
two parts. A video card driver, and the Control Panel stuff.
They should be in the same download. (I notice when looking
here, that the video card driver can actually be downloaded
separately from the Control Panel stuff if you want.)


The Control Panel cannot work unless the video card driver is
installed. Similarly, the ATI package won't work, without the
AGP GART from the nvidia 5.10 unified driver package. There
will be plenty of reboots ahead of you.

Another thing to remember, is the ATI software may also check
for a certain minimum version of DirectX. If you wish, you could
install this, perhaps just after the Nvidia stuff is loaded, and
before you try to install the ATI stuff. (Usually, you'll find
some version of DirectX on the ATI CDROM as well.) The ATI
installer will probably do this automatically, but I prefer to
do it myself.



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