Publishing Front Page 2000 to Virgin Media webspace



I've looked everywhere on the help area from Virgin but I'm still at a loss
as to how I can publish my site to the webspace that has been given to me
from Virgin Media. Everytime I publish FP tells me it does not recognise the

Thomas A. Rowe

You need to ask them if they support the FP extensions (http), otherwise they need to provide you
with instructions for uploading via FTP.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage


I believe they do support HTTP however I'm now getting a different message
when I try and publish:
'Could not find a web server on ' ...' on Port 80.
It then goes on to say about Proxy settings - where do I find these? I
thought publishing was supposed to be the easy bit!
If anyone could help I'd be extremely grateful!

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