Powerpoint Viewer won't work on Windows XP



Hi Everyone, I am running Windows XP with Microsoft
Office XP Small Business which doesn't come with
Powerpoint (I didn't know this when I ordered my new
laptop with Office already installed). Anyway, so I went
to the Microsoft Website and downloaded the Powerpoint
Viewer onto my hard drive. When I try to open the exe.
file, I get an error message stating that "ppt97.exe is
not a Win32 application." What on earth does this mean? I
have tried to download twice now and both times the
program downloads fine, but I keep getting this error
message when I try and install the ppt97 viewer. Any
suggestions please??? I did download the application
version which stated that XP was supported. Dale


I think you have a corrupted version. I know you've downloaded it twice,
but try it again. The Viewer is definitely compatible with Windows XP. By
the way, the name of the file you want is ppview97.exe, not ppt97.exe. To
be sure that you have the right download, be sure that you are accessing it
Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Free Templates, Tutorials, PowerLink, PowerLink Plus,
and Autorun CD Project Creator Pro)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

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