Power Toys



I cannot find the power toys link for Win2k
eg Send to any Folder etc.
Someone assist?


Afraid MS has removed the page, you are eventually directed to Technet, but
I cannot locate it there either


Perhaps I should have expanded, The link is OK but when you select the file,
ie Send To, the download page opens, but if selecting download you get a
'sorry page' with generic links.
I can locate a win95 file, but not the same.
Thanks, David


Afraid the only one that leads to a result is TweakUI - I had tried them all
prior to responding

Jim Byrd

Hi DL - Did you use the specific formulation I posted using the IP (numbers)
rather than the URL (site name in words) on the site? Try this. Start|Run
enter Cmd. In the command window that opens enter:

ipconfig /flushdns

Then exit and reboot. See if that helps.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


Jim Byrd

Hi John - Thanks for the feedback. OK, I see what you're talking about now.
I'd thought getting to the page was the problem, but those download links
are bad for me also - probably a server down somewhere. I'd wait a day or
so and try it again - if nothing then report it.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP


John John

If you ask me I think MS gave the twenty-one "flush" salute to the
utilities/toys. The only link that works is the one for the TweakUI
1.xx. Now, I don't like TweakUI at all and don't have it on my machines
but the latest version I downloaded and tried a long while ago was
2.something, still have it in archive. My understanding is that MS
pulled it because it can easily make XP home into XP Pro, a simple
registry tweak being the only thing that prevents XP Home from login on
to or registering Domains. The "Send to X" tool that the OP wanted
seems to have been sent down the pipe at the same time.



I had an archive also, and sata mirror drives, however a hd failed and I
found the mirror corrupted. No indication from raid monitoring software that
reported all in sync.!


Allready tried that, no joy, plenty of posts expressing annoyance at its
removal. I found the tool v.usefull

George Hester

They've been broken for a long time. I wouldn't install the Power Tools for Windows NT in 2000. Just a suggestion.


I did'nt try them. Have found a couple of utilities to use for 'send to'

They've been broken for a long time. I wouldn't install the Power Tools for
Windows NT in 2000. Just a suggestion.

George Hester

Good. They are gone for a reason you know. That reason is most of them do damage to Windows 2000.

Gary Smith

George Hester said:
Good. They are gone for a reason you know. That reason is most of them do damage to Windows 2000.

Many of the Power Toys don't work in Win 2000, but I never found one that
did any damage. DosHere and SendToX work just fine. I have them
installed on both of my Win2K systems. As I recall, DeskMenu also works,
but I decided That I had no use for it and haven't tried it recently.
Most of the others either don't work or are unnecessary because the
function is built in to the OS.


The only power tool I used was the 'Send to' which worked flawlessly and I
found v.usefull

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