Possible to Uninstall IE6 SP1?


Ted Rodrick

A while back, I ordered (and received and installed) Service Pack 1
from Microsoft.

I am fighting some scumware (HIJACK or a cousin, methinks) that I
think snuck on my system through a security hole in Microsoft's
"Java for VM Machines" code. Recent research indicates that
Microsoft has an updated Service Pack (SP 1a) that has totally
removed the aforementioned VM code. I would like to install
SP1a, to prevent any recurrence of that particular scumware
infiltration path, but the Microsoft Update site apparently
recognizes the presence of SP1 on my system, and won't let me
download SP1a. Hence the subject of this post.

FWIW, running "Hijack This" reveals this Registry line:

(PatchInstaller.Installer) -

I did install SP1 (Microsoft CDROM disk) from my F:\ optical drive.
Would *removing* that Registry line disable SP1? If that's not
a useful approach, can anyone provide alternative(s)?


Ted Rodrick

Ted Rodrick


Johnny_1 said:
No, but you can repair the install
See Kelly's Site:
?-----Original Message-----
?A while back, I ordered (and received and installed)
Service Pack 1
?from Microsoft.
....................... SNIP ...............................

I was ... finally ... able to get the EXPRESS UPDATE of SP1a
to execute; unfortunately, it aborted (ERROR) late in the
process. The resulting dialog box recommended using Emergency
Disk, etc.; however, my system still runs OK and IE6 is operational
(although the Microsoft "Java for VM Machines" options are still
there). Removing that code was the only reason I was trying to
install SP 1a to overwrite SP 1. <sigh> I have noted a minor
problem in Windows Media Player post-aborted SP 1a installation
(the Full Screen "Autohide Menu Bar" option is no longer functional).
I'll take a look at "Kelly's Site" using your link; having escaped
one potentially catastrophic event with only very minor battle
damage, I don't know if I want to "mess with" IE6 service packs
to correct a very minor problem. At a minimum, I will try re-
installing Windows Media Player 9, and see if that fixes the
"Autohide Menu Bar" functionality.


Ted Rodrick

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