Picture Save Locks up IE6



I am running XP Pro SP1 with IE6 SP1 with a pile of hotfixes -- including one
that Windows update did a day or two ago... BEfore that update, I have no
problem using the "Save Picture As" function... Now whenever I try, it causes
IE to freeze. Restart IE and try it again, and usually, CPU useage goes to
100%, even with no applications running at all.

I have emptied temporary files, unchecked the "do not save encrypted files"
box, etc. -- this is NOT the "will only save as .BMP" problem -- it;s
something else...


Thanks --



I have the same problem with 2 PCs running XP Home w/ SP2 with IE6 version
6.0.2900-xpsp_sp2_gdr_050301-1519 (the latest updates). One of these machines
is fresh install of XP Home SP2.

When I try to do a "Save picture as" it will typically lock up IE6 and show
100% cpu usage under Task Manager. But I noticed that it will eventually
save. It might take as long as 3 minutes. Then it seems to work normally
until I quit IE6 completely and restart IE6, or reboot the computer. Then the
problem emerges again.

I also noticed that if I clear all the temporary internet files as was
suggested in another thread, "Save picture as" will work again. The theory
was that a file called index.dat is currupted and needs to be recreated.

A related problem is that on one of these systems, the first time I try to
insert a picture into an email message in Outlook Express, it initially locks
up Outlook Express, but after a few minutes it will complete the task and
then work fine afterwards, until the next reboot.

I have not found a permanent solution to this issue in IE6. In the meantime,
I've decided to use Firefox as my default browser. It does not seem to have
this problem.

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