Photos in the Thumbnail mode do not match file names



I have an interesting problem that I can't figure out. When viewing digital pixtures in Explore Thumbnail view mode the pictures do not match the file name. And when I double-click on the thumbnail it brings up the acutal photo that matches the file name

When I double click the filenames in Explore Detail view mode the correct photo associated with the file name comes up

Any idea how my thumbnails got screwed up? Any suggesstions on how I can fix them?


Try this....create a new folder for your photos....COPY your photos from old folder (do NOT copy Thumbs.db or desktop.ini) and let Windows regenerate the thumbnails in the new folder. If this works then you can delete the photos from the old photos. Thumbs.db is the file that actually keeps track of which file gets which isn't unheard of for that file to get corrupted somehow.....hence the reason I suggested to NOT copy it with your photos.

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