

I am having issues with my hard drive. I have recently had
NTOSKernel.exe corrupt, and had to restore a corrupt registry. I have
finally bought another hard drive and need to ghost my current one.
The problem is today I went to start it up and got to the Window and
got an application error. The computer froze. Now when I attempt to
boot it keeps Blue Screening with Page_Fault_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA. I have
another hardisk with an older backup of XP and it loads just fine, so
no hardware issues with this PC. I can boot up on the other hard drive
and browse the hard drive with my current XP OS on it. I ran a scan
disk both for files and bad sectors, both passed with no errors. I
cannot boot into XP, XP safe mode, or the the recovery console, both
from the harddisk where it is installed and from the CD. I am guessing
my pagefile is corrupt. I tried to delete it from explorer using my
older backup and browsing to my hard drive with the newer OS and
deleteing it, but I get a requestor stating that the file is in use and
I can't delete it. (I should be able to since I am deleting the
pagefile from my C: drive, and am booted up on my D: drive).

Any suggestions on what is causing the Page_Fault_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA,
and how to solve it would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to
ghost this disk to a new hard drive ASAP.



Ron Martell


I am having issues with my hard drive. I have recently had
NTOSKernel.exe corrupt, and had to restore a corrupt registry. I have
finally bought another hard drive and need to ghost my current one.
The problem is today I went to start it up and got to the Window and
got an application error. The computer froze. Now when I attempt to
boot it keeps Blue Screening with Page_Fault_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA. I have
another hardisk with an older backup of XP and it loads just fine, so
no hardware issues with this PC. I can boot up on the other hard drive
and browse the hard drive with my current XP OS on it. I ran a scan
disk both for files and bad sectors, both passed with no errors. I
cannot boot into XP, XP safe mode, or the the recovery console, both
from the harddisk where it is installed and from the CD. I am guessing
my pagefile is corrupt. I tried to delete it from explorer using my
older backup and browsing to my hard drive with the newer OS and
deleteing it, but I get a requestor stating that the file is in use and
I can't delete it. (I should be able to since I am deleting the
pagefile from my C: drive, and am booted up on my D: drive).

Any suggestions on what is causing the Page_Fault_IN_NON_PAGED_AREA,
and how to solve it would be greatly appreciated, as I would like to
ghost this disk to a new hard drive ASAP.

See MVP Jim Eshelaman's web page for STOP errors at and click on the "50: Page
Fault..." link in the left side column.

Defective RAM is a prime suspect in this situation. Try running one
of the following free RAM testing utilities:
Windows Memory Diagnostic

Good luck.

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Ron said:
(e-mail address removed) wrote:

Defective RAM is a prime suspect in this situation. Try running one
of the following free RAM testing utilities:

I will try the utility, however I am curious why you would suggest
this, even when I am able to succesfully boot up to Windows XP on the
same computer using an older ghosted backup from a different harddrive?

Ron Martell

I will try the utility, however I am curious why you would suggest
this, even when I am able to succesfully boot up to Windows XP on the
same computer using an older ghosted backup from a different harddrive?

The other install may be using less RAM, at least initially, than your
current one and therefore may not be encountering the defective area.

Solving these types of problems is often a process of elimination, and
experience has shown that it is always prudent to eliminate the most
likely suspects first.

As the hardware is obviously the same for either version of XP the
next step, after you have eliminated or decided to disregard RAM as a
suspect, would be software. That would involve doing a comparison of
the installed software (names and version numbers) between the two
installed XP to see what is different, and check these out

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Problem Solved......

No memory problem (thankfully).

I could not find any mismatched system files. Since I now I have had 2
other incidents involving 1 a corrupt registry, and 2 corrupt
NTOSKERNAL.exe, and I already re-copied the NTOSKERNAL.exe before I
posted, I got desperate and went back into the backed up OS, browsed
into the System Volume folder on my non booting OS, found a recent
restorepoint folder and copied the 5 registry files to the
system32/config folder. I was able to successfully reboot.

Just an FYI, I could not delete the pagefile.sys because even thought
the backed up OS was on the D: drive, the pagefily.sys was still being
created on the C: drive as stated in the config. I moved it to D:
rebooted and the pagefile was already deleted.

Curious, anyone have any suggestions other that a failing harddrive as
to why I keep getting corrupt files on a shutdown and later a cold



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