Outlook upgrade - potential complications???



I have Office 97 SR-2 running on Windows 98 SE

I would like to use Outlook for internet email but cannot do so because Outlook 97 does not authenticate SMTP mail. Will upgrading to Outlook 98 solve the problem? (I have an Outlook 98 CD.

Would there be any other problems installing Outlook 98 on top of Outlook 97? Do I need to remove Outlook 97 first

Will there be any compatibility issues using Outlook 98 with the other Office 97 applications? I recall reading somewhere that to use Word as the email editor, both Word and Outlook have to be the same version. Given that Outlook 98 was available (I gather) as a free upgrade, will I be able to use Word 97 as the email editor

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Upgrading to Outlook 98 is a good idea indeed if you have the CD available.
No clean install needed. Outlook 98 and Word 97 can work together indeed.

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address when mailing)
Peter said:
I have Office 97 SR-2 running on Windows 98 SE.

I would like to use Outlook for internet email but cannot do so because
Outlook 97 does not authenticate SMTP mail. Will upgrading to Outlook 98
solve the problem? (I have an Outlook 98 CD.)
Would there be any other problems installing Outlook 98 on top of Outlook
97? Do I need to remove Outlook 97 first?
Will there be any compatibility issues using Outlook 98 with the other
Office 97 applications? I recall reading somewhere that to use Word as the
email editor, both Word and Outlook have to be the same version. Given that
Outlook 98 was available (I gather) as a free upgrade, will I be able to use
Word 97 as the email editor?


Thanks for your help Roady

----- Roady wrote: ----

Upgrading to Outlook 98 is a good idea indeed if you have the CD available
No clean install needed. Outlook 98 and Word 97 can work together indeed

Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office related New
Also Outlook FAQ, How To's, Downloads and more..

Tip of the month
-Tips for cleaning up your mailbo

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(I changed my reply address; remove all CAPS and _underscores_ from th
address when mailing
Peter said:
I have Office 97 SR-2 running on Windows 98 SE
Outlook 97 does not authenticate SMTP mail. Will upgrading to Outlook 9
solve the problem? (I have an Outlook 98 CD.Office 97 applications? I recall reading somewhere that to use Word as th
email editor, both Word and Outlook have to be the same version. Given tha
Outlook 98 was available (I gather) as a free upgrade, will I be able to us
Word 97 as the email editor


You're welcome! :)

Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office related News
Also Outlook FAQ, How To's, Downloads and more...
Tip of the month:
-Tips for cleaning up your mailbox
Subscribe to the newsletter to receive news and tips & tricks in your
(I changed my reply address; remove all CAPS and _underscores_ from the
address when mailing)

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