OT: The real reason people use Linux



dennis@home said:
Stupid really.. her old machine was capable of doing what she wanted
without any changes anyway.
So she went through the pain of learning something new for no reason at
all. And you put her through it.

Not stupid at all dennis@themenace. I'm sure you'd suggest she could have
just stuck with XP - an OS that's days are numbered, is a really OLD way of
using a computer today, is plagued with continuing security problems,
develops bitrot after being used for longer than 6 months to a year,
requires constant AV/Spyware updates, lacks any real configurability and
has a TCP/IP stack that runs 40% slower than Linux. XP is a
*has-been-done-that* and Vista is a *P.O.S.*, so that only leaves GNU/Linux
as a viable option on a PC. Sorry you don't like it, but the world moves on
and leaves idiots like you behind.


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Microsoft Is Watching YOU: http://tinyurl.com/2ptclh


Stephan said:
Actually her old machine was so infested with viruses, malware and
spamware that it was not in a usable state. And seeing how she is
extremely happy with her system now, what pain did she go through? She
was happy using it and learning it. No pain there.

Windoze users are so used to running infested boxes they can't see beyond
such a scenario. They rely on a multitude of condoms that try to catch this
shit, but inevitably fail in this regards, so they don't even know how much
malware they have on their computers. The last XP box that I had here,
brought in by a friend who could no longer connect to the Net, was just
such a disaster. Trying to see where the problem might lie, I connected it
to my router. Didn't look like I could get a Net connection. Alas, it sure
did have a Net connection, but it was doing all its dirty work in the
background. The result was that my IP address got banned by being reported
to SpamCop. This effectively cut me off from any Internet connection for 24
hours. Needless to say, a Windoze box WILL NEVER EVER be connected to my
router again!


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Microsoft Is Watching YOU: http://tinyurl.com/2ptclh


Canuck57 said:
I must admit, I haven't really given KDE it's paces in 2-3 years.
Probably should just for grins.

But will have to wait until I get Beryl. Haven't given that a serious
workout yet.

Today it's called compiz-fusion. Beryl has been dropped and melded into the
compiz development. It's great!!!!! Makes a desktop even more productive
then ever.


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Microsoft Is Watching YOU: http://tinyurl.com/2ptclh


Stephan Rose said:
And the desktops are majorly advancing.

I took both the KDE4 and Gnome 2.22 alpha releases of Ubuntu for a spin
this weekend and I'm very impressed across the board.

KDE4 is the first version of KDE I'd actually consider using though it is
not, in my opinion, yet nearly as good as Gnome. Never cared much for

The new version of Gnome is just absolutely awesome. The new theme looks
and feels very nicely and performance has also received a significant
boost. I'm very happy with it.

This is all well and good, but as has been said about Aero, it's not about
eye candy. Don't get me wrong, I am a Gnomie from way back. But being
productive IS what we are talking about here. The only app that even comes
close to what I need/use is Blender, and even that is nowhere as intuitive
as Bryce. Contrary to popular opinion Open Office is not in the class of any
of the Windows offerings. A smooth interface is NOT a reason to switch.
There has to be a good reason, and Linux just does not offer that.


Canuck57 said:
Really have you a going.

Linux is for the upcoming generation, selling new seats by the millions
and even M$ can't stop it. China or India, once XP is closed down, either
MS will let the "keys" slip or they will be wiped out like a fire hose
washing a rat down to the sewer.

China and India are real good examples there. There is so much piracy that
they wouldn't know a legal copy if it bit them in the ass. Therefore India
saying it wouldn't buy Windows doesn't mean a thing, because the net loss is
negligible. More so for China which is the piracy/knock-off capital of the
world. "Linux is for the upcoming generation" has been said for how long
now? What generation might you be talking about?



And they are not running Vista. If 2 in a million of these kids learn it
well, MS in in deep dodo. Linux is growing faster than you think. Just
think of all those PCs hat can't run Vista....but will run any Linux just

Well seeing that they are going to be running Windows you may wish to think
about that again...:)



Nobody wants the Linux machines.
If you want me to cease my 2 cents on MS, no problem, cut the FUD. Like a
world with many people, there are many OSes. We don't have to be Adolf
about it.

And what FUD might that be? The one smacktards spew every day? YOU are the
one in a VISTA group, touting the benefits of a NON Vista operating system,
that is NOT what you think it is, correct? So WHO is the one spreading FUD?
IF you had bothered to read some of my old posts I always say that people
should use what works best for them. SO let's get our facts straight first
shall we?


Lang Murphy said:
Cannot argue with your last paragraph. I've tried numerous nix distros
over the years as Windows desktop replacements and have always found them
lacking. That's just personal opinion; If others find them sufficient,
more power to them. Just don't use this forum as a soapbox on which one
spews personal opinion regarding OS's. That is not what this forum is for,
regardless of some folks rationalization for politicizing OS's here. "I'm
just trying to help." Please. What bullsh*t.

I have done the same thing. I've always liked Mandrake/Mandriva as a matter
of fact. It's just that I have certain things I need to do, and Linux just
not have what I need. I'm not an MVP, or for that matter a fan of MS in
fact. I could care less what people use. But if they are going to try and
spew their crap, I will point out where they have erred...:)


China and India are real good examples there. There is so much piracy that
they wouldn't know a legal copy if it bit them in the ass. Therefore India
saying it wouldn't buy Windows doesn't mean a thing, because the net loss
is negligible. More so for China which is the piracy/knock-off capital of
the world. "Linux is for the upcoming generation" has been said for how
long now? What generation might you be talking about?


Yea, and it wasn't that long ago Barrons said buy, buy, buy... and I put 80%
of may currency ina ssets outside the US. Barrons is Americanized hype, and
this is about their expertise as much as Microsoft knows about a Mac.

None the less, Linux is growing. And has a place. Works good also on PCs
that are too weak to run Vista, like my P4 HT 512M laptop. Fedora works
great on it. I sure am not going to toss it out because I can't get more
than 512M of RAM in it. And not everyone can afford a quad core 2-4GB
machine with a $200 video card to get a good Vista experience.

In fact, to show you I am not biased, I have 8GB of RAM as I run VMWare. I
run VMWare so I can load all of:

XP, W2000, W2003, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, SUSE, Fedora, Red Hat,
Ubuntu, Solaris, Vista.

I would run AIX too but not going to buy a RS6000 just for it. Ditto HP-UX,
besides I could see Itananic for what it was.

Linux also does well in the data center, even with large long term sustained
loads. Some are turning to it for the desktop. Think, one orgainzation I
am working with wants to consider what if they saved $1000 per desktop on
8000 desktops and laptops? What is a prototype Linux desktop using LDAP
going to look like? So I roll them a DVD and let them try - with their
logos, Acme Corp. Make it so a MSCE could load it. The next client might
want me to find out why this tomcat app has trouble with IE7 on XP...

There is room for, and a need for Linux. And people like myself openly use
both, and are not worshiping any one solution. In fact, I got bonus points
on my annual for being able to walk all OSes and quickly go into a shop can
cut the I/T vendor FUD and finger pointing. CanDo.

You know why I recently bought Vista? I had a client that had a problem and
hit me with it first. I used a OpenBSD box to network sniff a login
transaction on IIS from a Vista client and not 5 MSCEs in 3 weeks before me
found the problem. I identified it in 4 hours. Because I am not a Borg
locked in drone. Yes, I mean this critically, far too many in I/T learn one
thing and turn their brains off.


DarkSentinel said:
I have done the same thing. I've always liked Mandrake/Mandriva as a
matter of fact. It's just that I have certain things I need to do, and
Linux just not have what I need. I'm not an MVP, or for that matter a fan
of MS in fact. I could care less what people use. But if they are going to
try and spew their crap, I will point out where they have erred...:)

And you are far from alone.


DarkSentinel said:
I have done the same thing. I've always liked Mandrake/Mandriva as a
matter of fact. It's just that I have certain things I need to do, and
Linux just not have what I need. I'm not an MVP, or for that matter a fan
of MS in fact. I could care less what people use. But if they are going to
try and spew their crap, I will point out where they have erred...:)
Because you know it all and we should all listen to you. Ah, Ha. I get it


What does Bill Gates use?

Proprietary Software: a 20th Century software business model.

Microsoft Is Watching YOU: http://tinyurl.com/2ptclh


PotsOn wrote:

....I get it

You don't get anything at all you brain dead POS lying linux troll. You
stink cause your diaper is full of sh*t!
Get lost as*hole!

Lang Murphy

Stephan Rose said:
That precise case happened in my very office with a co-worker of mine.
She had top options:

1. Buy a low-spec machine with vista on it that would run like a dog for
$600 as that's all she could afford.

2. Keep her current computer and throw Linux on it and save the $600.

She chose #2 and is very happy with it. Matter of fact, happy enough to
where her son did the same thing...and I've been approached by others in
the office about doing that.

1986 Pontiac Fiero GT


Is there an echo in here?


Stephan Rose

Is there an echo in here?



1986 Pontiac Fiero GT


Lang Murphy

DarkSentinel said:
I have done the same thing. I've always liked Mandrake/Mandriva as a
matter of fact. It's just that I have certain things I need to do, and
Linux just not have what I need. I'm not an MVP, or for that matter a fan
of MS in fact. I could care less what people use. But if they are going to
try and spew their crap, I will point out where they have erred...:)

Late last year I got a Mac Pro. Came with Tiger (10.4.x). Upgraded to
Leopard (currently 10.5.2). The OS is not the thing that brought me into the
Mac fold... it was the apps... In many ways I find OS X deficient when
compared to Vista, but the OS isn't what it's all about, it's the apps.
("It's the apps, stupid!" LOL!)

But I'm not wasting other people's time in here by going "you should look at
Mac's." Uh, ain't this the Vista General forum? Not the "I Use Something
Other Than Vista So You Should Too" forum?

And... point in fact... I have Vista installed on my MP and it runs



Lang Murphy said:
Late last year I got a Mac Pro. Came with Tiger (10.4.x). Upgraded to
Leopard (currently 10.5.2). The OS is not the thing that brought me into
the Mac fold... it was the apps... In many ways I find OS X deficient when
compared to Vista, but the OS isn't what it's all about, it's the apps.
("It's the apps, stupid!" LOL!)

Hey if that's what you need, great...:)

I do a lot of 3D rendering, graphics stuff. Bryce and Poser choked XP by
themselves, but I can run both at the same time in Vista with no discernable
hit in performance. If it does what you need it to do, that is all that
matters. This is a concept so alien to the smacktards, that you might as
well be speaking ancient Sumerian. I can run my apps, and the system is fast
and stable. That is all I need.
But I'm not wasting other people's time in here by going "you should look
at Mac's." Uh, ain't this the Vista General forum? Not the "I Use
Something Other Than Vista So You Should Too" forum?

I asked the smacktards if they would like me to hit their respective groups,
and starts bashing their choice, or tell the users in their groups that they
have to run Vista because I do. No response to that so far. Turnabout is
fair play, but I wouldn't lower myself to their level. I have better things
to do with my time.
And... point in fact... I have Vista installed on my MP and it runs

At any given time during the day, except when updates reboot my machine, I
have open/running as a default:

2 mIRC bots in IRC, an instance of mIRC for my chat, Trillian, a couple of
sites in Firefox/IE, WLM for my NG stuff, Outlook for my email and calendar
stuff, either QCD or Winamp going. This doesn't count what I have running in
the tray, and my sidebar.

Now, add whatever else I may open. Bryce, Word, and my system is still fast
and responsive and stable as hell, and all this on a POS eBay Acer.

Lang Murphy

DarkSentinel said:
Hey if that's what you need, great...:)

I do a lot of 3D rendering, graphics stuff. Bryce and Poser choked XP by
themselves, but I can run both at the same time in Vista with no
discernable hit in performance. If it does what you need it to do, that is
all that matters. This is a concept so alien to the smacktards, that you
might as well be speaking ancient Sumerian. I can run my apps, and the
system is fast and stable. That is all I need.

Well... sounds like that's definitely a check mark in the "Plus" column for
Vista's improved Memory Management. If that's not a good thing, I guess I
don't know what is... I mean, that -alone- was worth the upgrade for you,
I asked the smacktards if they would like me to hit their respective
groups, and starts bashing their choice, or tell the users in their groups
that they have to run Vista because I do. No response to that so far.
Turnabout is fair play, but I wouldn't lower myself to their level. I have
better things to do with my time.

No reason to stoop to others' mode of operation, and, like you say... who
has time for that? I come here to attempt to assist others... and must admit
that I find myself spending more time addressing the FUD spread by the
Fanti-bois than I'd care to admit...
At any given time during the day, except when updates reboot my machine, I
have open/running as a default:

2 mIRC bots in IRC, an instance of mIRC for my chat, Trillian, a couple of
sites in Firefox/IE, WLM for my NG stuff, Outlook for my email and
calendar stuff, either QCD or Winamp going. This doesn't count what I have
running in the tray, and my sidebar.

Now, add whatever else I may open. Bryce, Word, and my system is still
fast and responsive and stable as hell, and all this on a POS eBay Acer.

Yah... good deal. Fast and stable as hell is, well... who could argue with
that? (Rhetorical question... we -know- who loves to argue in a pointless
fashion in this NG...)




Lang Murphy said:
Well... sounds like that's definitely a check mark in the "Plus" column
for Vista's improved Memory Management. If that's not a good thing, I
guess I don't know what is... I mean, that -alone- was worth the upgrade
for you, right?

Actually, I got forced into using it...lol

It shipped on the Acer I got on eBay. Was prepared to dump it and load my XP
Pro as I had heard all the "horror" stories circulating. I decided what the
hell, let's see what it's got before I wipe the drive. Much to my surprise,
the damn thing ran better than my XP did. I seriously threw all the stuff I
could think of at it just to prove to myself it was bad. Today is a good for
instance. I left all my stuff running, and fired up Pharaoh to do a scenario
so I could show my fiancé how to set that one up cause it was kicking her
butt. Under XP, that would have cause the game to slow down, and make the
sound and video choppy as hell. Damn thing ran perfect. The point is, I know
people have some problems with it. No OS is perfect. But for me, the damn
thing just works, and allows me to be the most productive. Period. There is
no one certain item that made me stick with it. Just the fact that it works.
No reason to stoop to others' mode of operation, and, like you say... who
has time for that? I come here to attempt to assist others... and must
admit that I find myself spending more time addressing the FUD spread by
the Fanti-bois than I'd care to admit...

As have I. I have done that as far back as the OS/2 and Win 3.1 days on
Fidonet. I always figured that if I helped people out, they would help me if
I ever needed it. As I stated, I could care less what people use. What I DO
have a problem with are the zealots from any camp. I have supported
everything from PC's to Alpha Mainframes. I know their strengths and
weaknesses, so don't sit there and try and say one is the "best", and that
if I disagree I am automatically a hater. As the saying goes, use the right
tool for the job. Whatever that may be.
Yah... good deal. Fast and stable as hell is, well... who could argue with
that? (Rhetorical question... we -know- who loves to argue in a pointless
fashion in this NG...)

Indeed. If it works for YOU, that is all that matters. What a concept huh?

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