OT: Firefox 4 becomes IE



For all you Firefox fanbois, the article below describes upcoming changes to
FireFox. You should pay close attention to the part where they talk about "to
make it both more tightly integrated with the computer it's running on, and
also more hooked into Web services." This is the part where it becomes more
like IE and you will need to invent new IE FUD to explain away why you use an
immature, insecure browser.



PNutts said:
For all you Firefox fanbois, the article below describes upcoming changes
FireFox. You should pay close attention to the part where they talk about
make it both more tightly integrated with the computer it's running on,
also more hooked into Web services." This is the part where it becomes
like IE and you will need to invent new IE FUD to explain away why you use
immature, insecure browser.


What is IE? Oh, IE -- haven't used that routinely for over 5 years. Once I
have Firefox installed, I click "Make it my default Browser" and "Warn me if
this changes".

Then I go to the only 2 option setting I like changed, making the center
button always open in a new tab and always show the tab bar. Oh yea, also
set the home page.

Does anyone use IE any more?


You can go and make your own version too if you like too.. thats the
power and beauty of opensource

Understated power of open source too. If enough people feel strongly
enough, they don't have to listen to the MeSaySo Corporation. It migrates
and forks. Just like auto manufacturers. Imagine if Ford, GM, Toyota and
Honda only sold Vista?

Whoops, GM Olds did sell a Vista, it was a lemon too.


This is why I don't often frequent this group. I post a link to information
and include some opinion (because I don't like link-only posts) and out comes
the personal attacks. I saw nothing in the reply link to refute the article I
posted. There are people smarter than me whos job it is to figure this stuff
out and I felt compelled to post it in a Windows forum where FUD flows like

Choosing to not use a third party browser on the Windows platform and
calling BS on others claims does not make a fanboi. 'nuff said.


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