NTDLL.DLL problem with Internet Explorer! Please help me!



NTDLL.DLL problem with Internet Explorer! Please help me!
Some days ago I installed XP SP2 and after this sometimes I get an error
with NTDLL.DLL and Internet Explorer.

I have in my pc 3 times this DLL dated august 20, 2004:

C:\WINDOWS\system32 - 712 KB

C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386 - 712 KB

fced580cdb60abdb77eb075 - 712 KB

Basically what happens is that my desktop refresh's and the system tray
loses its icons, not all the icons disapear.
many other icons disapear and also the any programs opened on the task bar
disapear too. It really ANNOYING as i cant bring those icons back to the
systray, and the actuall programs are still working as i checked in
Processes in Windows Task Manager. What I find weird is that its just
looking through windows explorer which triggers this off, it can be any
folder and all of suddent the desktop refreshes and lists the error in event

Do you know what can I do to solve this boring problem ?

Lester Stiefel

Was your anti-virus application enabled when you installed SP2? Was any
other application (e.g., IE)?

Have you checked *thoroughly* for "hijackware"? Did you do so before
installing SP2?

No specific problem here, but I have tray icon
dissappearance, which is annoying. Sometimes cause by
applications which use dual copies of the dll's each being a
slightly different build. The tray apps run , but no Icon.
Happened with FTP app and a fileshare program or two
I removed the fileshare and now all works fine. Sometimes
the downloader won't display - specifically after AV update,
or windows update. Still working on that one!
Lester Stiefel
In 2 Timothy 3:1-7, there is a list of the qualities that
Unregenerate man will have in the last days. Is your quality
found there? If So, don't despair - Christ came to save His

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