not able to change wallpaper



Ok, I search the forum before posting this message.

My problem is that I can't change my wallpaper. Under the background tab in
the display setting, al is grayed and not selectable, except for the
backgound color and the "customize".

It first happened when I received a warning that I was affected by some
spyware. The warning was written in the wallpaper.

Solutions tried:
I downloaded a Spyware Scanner (Webroot Spy Sweeper) and made a full scan
and I also scan with an Anti-Virus (AVG), all in safe mode. I also check
under the Web tab from the customize setting in background tab and nothing
was checked, so i checked everything, reboot and then uncheck and it still
doesnt work. I also check in the registry for the NoChangingWallpaper value,
and it was set to 0.

Somebody has a solution?
Thank you!

David Candy


Data type Range Default value
REG_SZ Path and filename There is no default value for this entry.

Specifies the desktop background (wallpaper) displayed on all users' desktops and prevents users from changing the image or its presentation.

This entry stores the setting of the Wallpaper Name box in the Active Desktop Wallpaper Group Policy. Group Policy adds this entry to the registry when you enable the Active Desktop Wallpaper policy. If you disable the policy or set it to Not configured, Group Policy deletes the entry from the registry and users can select their own wallpaper.

The value of this entry consists of the path and file name of the file that contains the image. The path can be specified as a local path, such as C:\Winnt\Logo.bmp, or a UNC path, such as \\Server\Share\Logo.bmp. The wallpaper you specify can be stored in a bitmap (*.bmp), JPEG (*.jpg), or HTML (*.htm, *.html) file.

If the value of this entry is blank or incorrect, or if specified file is not available when the user logs on, no wallpaper is displayed. Users cannot specify alternate wallpaper.

If this entry does not appear in the registry, no wallpaper is displayed by default, but users can select the wallpaper of their choice.

Change method
To change the value of this entry, use Group Policy. This entry corresponds to the Active Desktop Wallpaper policy (User Configuration\AdministrativeTemplates\Desktop\Active Desktop). Type the fully-qualified path and name of the file that stores the wallpaper image. You can type a local path, such as C:\Winnt\Logo.bmp or a UNC path, such as \\Server\Share\Logo.bmp.


The Active Desktop Wallpaper policy also lets you determine whether the image is tiled, centered, or stretched. This specification is stored in the value of WallpaperStyle.

This entry requires that Active Desktop be enabled. By default, Active Desktop is disabled. To enable Active Desktop by using a policy, use the ForceActiveDesktopOn entry.

This entry takes precedence over a user setting. When this entry appears in the registry, a policy is in effect and the system ignores the value of Wallpaper in the Control Panel\Desktop subkey.


For detailed information about particular Group Policy settings, see the Group Policy Reference (Gp.chm) on the Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD.

For general information about Group Policy, see Group Policy in Windows 2000 Help.

To see a table associating policies with their corresponding registry entries, see the Group Policy Reference Table.

Related Entries





Since there's a message in the wall paper, this is most likely a prank/adware
sort of program. You can try a program called Hijack this (google it) or do a
system restore. Good Luck!


Actually, after I ran the Spyware Scan, the message disappear from the
Wallpaper, I was left with a blank wallpaper. And I hope I won't have to do a
system restore, because I just reinstall windows xp and didn't make one...

David H. Lipman

From: "Hoolio" <[email protected]>

| Ok, I search the forum before posting this message.
| Problem:
| My problem is that I can't change my wallpaper. Under the background tab in
| the display setting, al is grayed and not selectable, except for the
| backgound color and the "customize".
| It first happened when I received a warning that I was affected by some
| spyware. The warning was written in the wallpaper.
| Solutions tried:
| I downloaded a Spyware Scanner (Webroot Spy Sweeper) and made a full scan
| and I also scan with an Anti-Virus (AVG), all in safe mode. I also check
| under the Web tab from the customize setting in background tab and nothing
| was checked, so i checked everything, reboot and then uncheck and it still
| doesnt work. I also check in the registry for the NoChangingWallpaper value,
| and it was set to 0.
| Somebody has a solution?
| Thank you!

Copy and paste the following text between the dashes (-----------) into NOTEPAD and save
the file onto your desktop as; FixPaper.REG
Double-Click on the .REG file and allow the contents of the REG file to be merged into the

NOTE: Do to posting in a News Group is possible for a line to get wrapped. The lines that
start with '[' and end with ']' must be unwrapped for the .REG file to work.



[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General]



[-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy Objects]


It fixed my problem even the Technician from HP could not resolve. There was
a value for the Wallpaper in the registry under System, and the file was not
existing. I just deleted the key, and now I can change my wallpaper setting
just like before.

Thank you David

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