no sound on my laptop



i cant get any sound on my laptop. even when i play a dvd on real player,
intervideo windvd4, windows media player. i looked at my setting and it said
no sound available. pls help


The first place to start is to troubleshoot your laptop sound hardware and
drivers. Make sure they are functioning and installed properly before trying
to narrow down any Windows issues.

Pete, MCP


Do you have external speakers attached? If not, when you boot are you
getting any system sounds such as Windows Title.wma (music) or beeps?
Do you have a soundcard installed? Do you have a jack where to plug in
external speakers? With the little info you provided, there are too many


This may sound obvious, but did you check to make sure the mute box is
not checked (you should see a different sound icon in the system tray
if it is) and that you the volume is not down really low?
If it isn't the obvious, I would check the control
panel/system/hardware/device manager to see if the drivers are
installed properly and not corrupted and that there are no conflicts.
Also ensure you do not have more than one sound enabled program running
at the same time (real player and media player for example) They have
been known to compete with each other.


thank you. that hellped. my sound is back. messed up my laptop a bit. 2
questions though. 1. my mute button doesn't work, not been 4 a while.
2. my battery doesn't last as long as it should do. is there any way i can
dischrge it or resolve this problem?


1. You may need to reinstall the drivers for your soundcard. They should be
on a utility disk or the sound installation disk that came with your computer.
2. If your battery doesn't hold a charge very long is that it needs to be
Do you have a charger for the battery or an AC adapter? You can search on
eBay for very reasonable prices on batteries or bid on one. Retail stores
such as Best Buy, Circuit City or Radio Shack will charge an "arm&leg" for

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