No pagefile.sys after XP Pro Install



I installed XP Pro over XP Home and the system will not create pagefile.sys.
It is not in the root directory after Dir C:\ /a and cannot initiatie through
Control Panel\System\Advanced... I notice lots of people have the same
problem. Is there anything I can do short of a reinstall?

Bald Eagle

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


Lots of people have the same problem? Not that I've heard of. Have you got
folder options set to see hidden and system files?

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Colin Barnhorst

I cannot recall a posting from another poster citing what you describe.

Sharon F

I installed XP Pro over XP Home and the system will not create pagefile.sys.
It is not in the root directory after Dir C:\ /a and cannot initiatie through
Control Panel\System\Advanced... I notice lots of people have the same
problem. Is there anything I can do short of a reinstall?

Bald Eagle

Error Message: Your System Has No Paging File, or the Paging File Is Too Small


In Windows Explorer go to Tools > Folder Options > View tab > Uncheck Hide
Protected Operating System Files > click on Yes to warning message > Click

If you look in C:\ you will see a file named Pagefile.

To set the size of the pagefile go to System Properties > click on the
Advanced tab > click on the Settings button under Performance > click on the
Advanced tab > then click on the Change button.

The paging file can be set to a custom size, system managed size or you can
have no paging file (not recommended). I've never tried it but I don't think
Windows would work too well without it, unless you had 1 GB of memory.

Just remember to recheck Hide Protected Operating System Files box when you
are done looking around.


Here is an update...

I still cannot find a pagefile.sys in the C:\ root following the
"Resolution" in your posting; I can see other hidden system files. Also, I
still cannot "set" the page file from the properties\advanced setting tab.

The permissions for computer name\administrators is full control. Groups
are System, Everyone and Administrators. Doesn't appear to be a
security/permissions/special permissions problem.

I can see the pagefile.sys in another PC running XP Pro. Comparing the
working and non-working systems, there are no obvious differences. So at
this point, some frustration is setting in...

Bald Eagle


Article ID 315270 did not work for me

On the Intel site I checked my chipset using their utility, down loaded the
appropriate "Application Accelerator" and installed it.

This cleared up the problem.

SP2 and xp repair started my little anventure into this realm.



I will try your suggestion. In the meantime, I moved up to 2 Gigs of RAM so
the system runs much better but I still get the "no pagefile" error on

I will let you know how I make out...

Bald Eagle

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