No image from bmp, jpg or tif files in preview or movie output



Although I previously have opened JPG files from a kodak DC3400 and made a slideshow, now when I import still digital images and drag them into the storyboard or timeline, they do not show up in the preview pane. They do show up when I click on them in the collection window
When I try to make a movie with the images, a wmv file is created but it has no images--just black like the preview pane
I am running WinXP Home on a eMachine M6807 w/a 64-bit AMD processor and 512 MB of RAM
Any help is appreciated



Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

HAve you installed any other software since making your last ones which
might be interfering with this?
Try changing them to bitmaps,tiffs and see if that works.

Piper said:
Although I previously have opened JPG files from a kodak DC3400 and made a
slideshow, now when I import still digital images and drag them into the
storyboard or timeline, they do not show up in the preview pane. They do
show up when I click on them in the collection window.
When I try to make a movie with the images, a wmv file is created but it
has no images--just black like the preview pane.

John Kelly

Hi there,

This is strange. This morning I was putting a video together and had
exactly the same problem....very embarrassing. I could not see what was
causing the problem at all.

My system is almost never turned off. So, I turned it off and restarted
as a final desperate act and now everything works. I can't say even now what
was wrong other than perhaps it ran back to mummy because it got confused :)

Anyway, try never know.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

piper said:
I don't recall installing software after Pinnacle.
I have tried using other TIFFs or BMP files and they do not show up in the
preview pane when I click on them in the storyboard or timeline. They do
show up when I click on them from the Collections pane.


I am working on a laptop and so reboot at least once a day

As I mentioned, at an earlier date, I was able to import some JPG files into my Collection, add them to a storyboard or timeline, preview them and output them to a movie
These were on an external WD 80 Gb 7200 RPM drive
Perhaps some conflict is created when that drive is not plugged in? I see the JPGs crossed out in my Collections, and when I import new ones from my hard drive, they are not crossed out and they show up in the preview window when clicked on in the Collections pane
BUT, they still do not show up in the preview pane from the storyboard or timeline

I will plug the external drive in tonight and see if it makes a difference, or if I can remake the same movie from the same clips previously used

Thanks again both of you for your help and suggestions so far, sadly I remain unable to put together a slideshow with MM2


John Kelly

Hi there,

I think I know whats going on here...first though ..

When you import anything into Movie Maker you may be surprised to hear that
you import nothing at all!! All that Movie Maker does is create a small
database with information on what is to be found and where it is to be
found....this even applies to when you make clips...there are no clips at
all, simply a database that says a certain clip can be seen by starting at
position "A" in the main file and ending at position "B" in that file.

So, when Movie Maker starts up it checks to see if the database is still
valid in that it looks on "Drive X" to determine if the expected file is
still there. If not you get the big red X.

So before you start up Movie Maker, and if the files are stored on the
external drive, then you must first have the external drive plugged in. I
think that doing that will solve all of your problems.

John Kelly

Hi there,

However, although when I was able to use MovieMaker correctly, the files
were on an external drive, I have created a new project with files that
are on the hard driven. Furthermore, it makes no difference whether or
not the drive is connected. And if I open my old project, it no longer
shows up in the Preview Pane nor does the audio seem to play.

Well, I am a bit confused with the above. In the above are you refering to
two distinct hard drives one of which is internal to the computer?

Clearly, if files vital to the project are stored on a drive that is no
longer connected, those files will not be available.
Clearly, MM sees them because I can see them in the Collections pane.
The problem is that they do not show up in the Preview Pane once I move
them into the timeline or storyboard.

Now thats a different kind of problem all together and may indicate that
the Movie Maker set-up is in some way lacking. The file QASF.DLL if they
are DV-AVI files for example, but I think you already said you had checked
I previously stated I had not installed anything after MM. I was
mistaken. I was thinking MM was Pinnacle Studio Version 8 which I have
installed -- and was one of the last apps besides EndItAll and Belarc
Advisor that I have installed. Previous to Studio Version 8 I have
installed several pieces of software that I use in the lab.

I can not comment on "Enditall" and "Belarc" what are they?

Seems strange to me that the problem is isolated to the
storyboard/timeline; and that previews of images in the Collections Pane
remains fine.

Well actually no its not that strange. The preview pane is just that. The
quality it not vitally important and as the task at hand is to display the
video as quickly as possible several companies use a completely different
set of routines to get the video into that window pane. The software most
of them use was created for games programs and is called OpenGL. I can't
say whether Movie Maker uses OpenGL for this purpose, but now that they are
being forced into revealing previously hidden code we may eventually find
out. But the point is, the code used to display to the preview pane is not
the same code that displays from the collection list. If you take a
snapshot from each type of display you will find that the resolution is
quite different.
I guess now I should try to reinstall the latest update of MM?

It seems that you have installed a lot of stuff out of which at least one
of the program could affect Movie Maker. If you are in a position to roll
back the instalations I would do so.

I don't suppose you have Symantec System Works. One of the utilities
monitors all instalations and keeps a complete record of every file
installed together with all of the registry changes. If you have got that
it would be worth checking the logs to see what common files have been
"updated" correctly or otherwise.

Yes, I think so. Download the full file don't go for an update over the have no idea whether its doing the right job and if it fails you
have to go through the whole process again...very tedious.

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Hi David,

Here's a few comments that will hopefully help.

The collection database includes thumbnail images in addition to pointers to
the source files.... it's those thumbnails that you see in the collection
pane, not a fresh view of the source files.

The project files similarly include thumbnail images that are used for the
storyboard/timeline, again with links in the project files to the source
files. The thumbnails are created from the source files as the clips are
added to the project. So you can still see the thumbnails for the source

The collection database and the project files are related to the source
files, but not to each other.... so one could be in sync with source files
and not the other.

The rendering of a saved movie of course is from the source files, using the
info in the project file. The collection database isn't used.

I don't have any suggestions, just thought these notes might help you sort
it out.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

Piper said:
Thanks. I do understand that the software is merely pointing to the files.

However, although when I was able to use MovieMaker correctly, the files
were on an external drive, I have created a new project with files that are
on the hard driven. Furthermore, it makes no difference whether or not the
drive is connected. And if I open my old project, it no longer shows up in
the Preview Pane nor does the audio seem to play.
Clearly, MM sees them because I can see them in the Collections pane.
The problem is that they do not show up in the Preview Pane once I move
them into the timeline or storyboard.
I previously stated I had not installed anything after MM. I was
mistaken. I was thinking MM was Pinnacle Studio Version 8 which I have
installed -- and was one of the last apps besides EndItAll and Belarc
Advisor that I have installed. Previous to Studio Version 8 I have
installed several pieces of software that I use in the lab.
I guess now I should try to reinstall the latest update of MM?

Seems strange to me that the problem is isolated to the
storyboard/timeline; and that previews of images in the Collections Pane
remains fine.


Again, thanks for the insight

John Kelly, I understand what you are saying and yes, I have still JPG files on both my hard drive on my laptop and on an external drive

I am able to "Import" the images into the Collection Pane

If the external drive is not hooked up, those files that reside on it are shown crossed out in red in the Collection Pane
No thumbnail is shown

For files on the harddrive, or for files on the external drive (WHEN PLUGGED IN), the thumbnails show up in the collection pane as an icon without a cross

When I click on Icons of available files (either harddrive, or ext. hard drive plugged in), they show up in the Preview Pane

Then, if I drag them into the storyboard or timeline, and click on them down there, they do not show up in the Preview Pane

I am not using AVI files, or any other video files, merely JPG files, or BMP files, or TIFF files

Yes, you are correct, I have a number of Apps installed that are necessary for my purposes and I do not have an easy way to roll things back

I will go ahead and check the MM2 update, download, install and see if that works. Hopefully there is not some conflict between MM2 and Pinnacle Studio

As for EndItAll and BelArc advisor? They are freeware systems/utilities tools. The first is an interface similar to TaskManager that gives you a little more control over closing and killing unecessary processes/apps -- good for installations. The BelArc advisor is a diagnostic tool Pinnacle recommended as I sorted out a couple issues with there software. In fact, I think they recommended both as they want you to shut almost everything down when rendering DVDs

Thanks for the help List Folks


John Kelly

Hi again,

Yes, something is well and truly screwed up there. There is little else I
can say about it. It may require some more drastic action, and a lot of
thought about what 3rd party programs should be installed in the future (or
not if you see what I mean)

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