My password won't work for my yahoo mail account when I use the e.



My password won't work for my yahoo mail account when I use the e-mail
set-up wizard. I know I am using the correct password, and that it's not in
capital letters; and it gets to yahoo and back to my computer. I keep getting
- "Task ' - Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC92) : "your
e-mail server rejected your login. etc.

Brian Tillman

Randy said:
My password won't work for my yahoo mail account when I use the e-mail
set-up wizard. I know I am using the correct password, and that it's
not in capital letters; and it gets to yahoo and back to my computer.
I keep getting - "Task ' - Receiving' reported
error (0x800CCC92) : "your e-mail server rejected your login. etc.

Is this a free Yahoo! account, or a paid account? If the former, you need a
tool like, since Yahoo! doesn't allow
access to its POP servers for non-paid accounts. If the latter, ask Yahoo!

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