my computer is running slow too



I didn't want to hijack anyone's post in case it might be 2 totally
different problems so I'll post my own.

I noticed a couple of weeks ago that at times my computer drags
greatly. Not only online (cable modem) but at everything. Sometimes
just clicking Start on the taskbar takes forever to pop up the menu.
Twice I have noticed that when it doesn't want to go any further and I
reboot, even startup goes super slow and may even hang somewhere in the
process before even getting to Windows. I will hit the reboot button
again and it will start up fine. Also, this whole problem seems to
come and go.

At first I thought it was maybe a program running in the background,
but that wouldn't cause a slow start up would it? And if it was a
memory problem (going bad) would it come and go like it does?

Windows XP Home version 2002 sp2
256 MB Ram
AMD Sempron Processor 2600+
HD: 37g total and 7g free
Using Windows Firewall

If there's anything else you need to know I'll be happy to provide it!
I will start checking into updating windows updates and
hardware/software updates until I hear back from anyone!

Gerry Cornell

At first I thought it was maybe a program running in the background,
but that wouldn't cause a slow start up would it?

A virus scanner is often set to scan when you boot. If it is Norton or
McAfee this can significantly slow progress. If you are using their
utilities the situation is much more draining on system performance.

Your RAM at 256 mb is minimal. 512 mb would be better, although it
depends on the type of programmes you are using. Observe how
much your system is using your swap file.

A small utility to monitor pagefile usage:

Remember graphics and camera related programmes will bump
up page file usage.

Your free space on your hard disk is OK but more is always better.

To increase you free space select Start, All Programs,
Accessories, System Tools, Disk CleanUp, More Options, System Restore and
remove all but the latest System Restore points? Restore points can be quite

You should use Disk CleanUp regularly to Empty your Recycle Bin and
Remove Temporary Internet Files. Whenever you remove redundant files you
should always run Disk Defragmenter by selecting Start, All Programs,
Accessories, System Tools, Disk Defragmenter.

It is likely that an allocation of 12% has been made to System Restore on
your C partition which is over generous. I would reduce it to 700 mb. Right
click your My Computer icon on the Desktop and select System Restore.
Place the cursor on your C drive select Settings but this time find the
slider and drag it to the left until it reads 700 mb and exit. When you get
to the Settings screen click on Apply and OK and exit.

Another default setting on a large drive which could be wasteful is that for
temporary internet files especially if you do not store offline copies on
disk. The default allocation is 3% of drive. Depending on your attitude to
offline copies you could reduce this to 1% or 2%. In Internet Explorer
select Tools, Internet Options, General, Temporary Internet Files, Settings
to make the change. At the same time look at the number of days history
is held.

The default allocation for the Recycle Bin is 10 % of drive. On your drive
5% should be sufficient. In Windows Explorer place the cursor on your
Recycle Bin, right click and select Properties, Global and move the slider
from 10% to 5%.

After making these changes run Disk Defragmenter.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


At first I thought it was maybe a program running in the background,
but that wouldn't cause a slow start up would it? And if it was a
memory problem (going bad) would it come and go like it does?

First off I will strongly agree with Gerry's suggestions - especially
the need for a bit more room on the drive as well as maybe 512 of ram-
you would love the gains of that extra memory in XP.

Now, in addition,

if your memory was going bad, most likely you would have crashes by
now. if you want to check your memory anyway check out microsofts tool
<> . it will make a little boot
disk via floppy that you can then boot with. it's very easy and will
detect problems. you want NO failures in that. Like I said, I doubt
that will be your problem though.

Number one thing I would suggest is to pull up task manager
(ctrl+alt+del) and select the "Processes" tab. Tell us if you see
something there (other than system idle) that is above3-6 % or so.

You can also look into device manager (hold windows key + pause key)
then select
"hardware tab" then device manager - and look for any conflicts (any
yellow balloons and ! marks)

if there is nothing taking up high cpu usage, then check out process
-that will show you if you might have high hardware inturrupts. if
that ends up being the case, let me know and we will go from there. I
imagine though, that we will find a program at fault.


Thanks Gerry and JC! I have tried all that you have suggested and it
seems to be running a lot smoother now! I only came across 2 problems,
but they don't really seem to matter.

1) I don't have a "More Options" in my disk cleanup so I wasn't able to
delete early restore points.

2) I did find a couple of ! in my hardware profile that I can't seem to
fix no matter what. 2 are in my Sound, Video and Game Controllers
called 'Pinnacle Systems Studio AV/DV E4' and 'Pinnacle Systems Studio
AV/DV Overlay'. I have downloaded what I think are the latest drivers
etc but they are still there with the yellow !. Another one is a 'USB
Mass Storage Device' under the Universal Serial Bus controllers. I
have "uninstalled" it and rebooted with Windows attempting to reinstall
it, but that was unsuccessful after not being able to locate the
software. (Atleast that's what I think it said.) The only thing I have
in my USB ports are my external hd, my printer and my mouse, which are
all working.

I think what did it was a combination of defragging and finding 2 files
that were almost 5 gb's each that I had forgotten about (home movies)!
It was the defragging that caught those for me when it alerted me that
it couldn't defrag them. I will also look into getting more memory. I
could of sworn that I had gotten more than that when I had my pc
upgraded last year. Thanks again for helping!

Gerry Cornell


The More Options tab appears after you have selected a drive
and clicked on. The system checks how much space will be
gained and you should see it in the next Window.

Which version of Pinnacle do you have?


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


I'm glad I could help! If the problems don't seem to matter - then
perhaps the solution will present itself sometime and until then, happy
computing. It's always good NOT to have any ! and those can cause
different problems.

Yes, fixing those ! are going to be important for your computer
operations or comfort...

Upgrading can be really tricky in deciding what to get. Ram is an easy
option and if you are happy with the rest of your computer, that would
be the way to go. I like to have at least 20% - 30% free on my HDD's
as well. Problem is.... building a whole new one isn't much more after
the ram and HDD (other than for gamers) - but that's all a different
discussion! :)

So, to fix the !'s I would look into reinstalling those drivers or
troubleshoot Pinnacle for that matter.

Not sure about the usb -

I had a similar problem with a creative audigy platinum... and it was
IRQ assignment problem (moving the card and disabling other motherboard
components cleared it) but I'm not familiar with Pinnacle, sorry.


Well it's gotten worse, I guess as bad as it can get. My computer has
been working fine since I last wrote, only slowing down sometimes when
I was trying to do different things at once (opening one program and
working in another.) Well today it started going turtle slow so I hit
the reboot button. I regret that because I can't get it started again.

Here's how it goes: It shows the bios and cpu info but stops right
before (sometimes after) it checks the memory. Then it will hang there
for about 3 mintues and then it shows all the drives and then a black
screen. It sits there for atleast 5 mintues then shows the screen to
choose Safe Mode etc. I can select one but it will take a good bit to
continue on. Then the black windows screen comes up with the little
bar running back and for from side to side. Then the whole screen
turns to wide black and white verticle lines and thats where it stays.

Does this help any in pin pointing the problem? I just happened to
have ordered a new stick of ram the other day and expect it tomorrow.
Think that may help the situation any?

Thanks for any help!


What graphics do you use - onboard, AGP? If onboard, I would suggest
that either the graphics chip is bad, or perhaps the ram is that it is
trying to use might be bad. did you use the memory diagnostics boot
floppy from microsoft? I would definately do that as step #1. Then
you will know if your ram is good or bad.

How's the clock in bios? is it correct, or does it change each time
you boot? How many and/or what kind of beeps do you get at start? Any
errors or incorect data in the posts? - these will show whether your
CMOS battery is bad.

After you know if your ram is good or bad (good hopefully) and no
longer feel that the CMOS battery is to blame- then try tapping F8
while booting (if you have to), and select "last known good
configuration" as your boot option. see if that gets you booted. (that
will only help if a setting was changed that cause this problem)
Another thing I would recomend at this time is to check your HDD. If
you know the brand of the hard drive, download their utility (to a
floppy) and boot form that to perform diagnostics.

Otherwise, if your ram and HDD test as good, and you have tried the
last known good config, then the next step would be to try a repair
install while we hope it isn't your mobo that has gone bad.... speaking
of, real quick also make sure you don't see any "stuff" leaking or
foaming out of the copasitors on the Mobo.... I've had that happen (and
I don't overclock).

So, do you have an XP CD to repair install from? - although, I would
suspect hardware trouble given the slow booting process. I will wait
on those answers and check back soon, those are what I think of off the
top of my head. the lines sound like graphics and maybe that could
cause all your problems even at boot. If you do use AGP, reseat the
card and make sure it in there all the way.

hang in there... once we know the memory and battery are good, there
are no swollen or bursted copasitors, the HDD is good- (none of which
take too long) we will have a much better idea. worst case, your mobo
is a gonner- best case, we find the culprit quickly without quesiton.

Gerry Cornell


You need to sort out the drivers and get updated versions from the
relevant third party sources.

This freeware programme is excellent for getting information
about your computer:
Everest Home Edition (freeware)

Tip: To copy select Report, Quick Report, Plain Text, highlight
required text, right click and select copy. However, whilst this
is fine for posting small amounts of information into newsgroup
messages longer reports will irritate other newsgroup

What version of Pinnacle Studio do you have?

The extra memory will help. I see the System Requirements for
version 9 recommend 512 mb.
if link breaks try


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute

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