Multiple Users?



There are about 5 people that use a database that I have created. They are in
it at all different times. I am having trouble understanding how users view a

How many people can open the database and look/input data?
What are the restrictions?

If there is a help file or anything that someone can point me to, It would
be much appreciated.



No problem at all even with 5 users accessing the database simultaneously.
255 concurrent users is theoretical max. though 25 concurrent is more
practical; the figure depends on type of data access, volume of data fetched
and network speed.
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Aaron Kempf

you're full of crap

Access can't scale to TWO users reliably
move to Access Data Projects and SQL Server

Aaron Kempf

I've had extreme database pain with a half dozen users and a mere 25 mb of


MDB is crap
anyone using it should be FIRED and then SPIT UPON

John W. Vinson

There are about 5 people that use a database that I have created. They are in
it at all different times. I am having trouble understanding how users view a

How many people can open the database and look/input data?

255, nominally. In practice, 30 or so users *updating* together (with a
"split" database, see below); over 100 read-only users should be ok.
What are the restrictions?

Only one user can have an object in the database open *in design mode* at a
time. Multiple users can share *data* though. If two users try to update the
same record at the same time, they'll get warning messages about "another user
has the record open for edit".
If there is a help file or anything that someone can point me to, It would
be much appreciated. describes how and why to
split a multiuser application into a "backend" containing the tables, with
multiple "frontends" containing the Forms, Reports, queries, etc.

There are lots of tutorials referenced at:

Jeff Conrad's resources page:

The Access Web resources page:

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Aaron Kempf

im not sure I agree with this:

Only one user can have an object in the database open *in design mode* at a

In SQL Server Management Studio; I can have 2 people editing my tables at
the same time without a probelm

maybe you should list this as a limitation in MDB format; not in 'Access'
because Access I can also have 2 ADPs open at the same time; editing the
same table

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