Microsoft Sucks!


Richard Urban

You attend school in a school district. Another pimply know nothing!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Whether he took my money or not is not the point.

He did not take my money in particular, he took my parents' money.

The point still remains that nobody has actually debated the accusations I
have made, rather, simply calling out meaningless technicallities in order to
silence me.

Richard Urban

Nite bub. Had fun with ya, even though you are dumb!


Richard Urban

aka Crusty (-: Old B@stard :)

If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Children want attention, why do you?

Earlier you suggested a 5 year old computer is a paperweight.
Now you suggest otherwise.
You are inconsistent.
How can a 5 year old computer be "running well" and also be a paperweight?

If your 1.3 MHz is struggling with Windows XP, something other than Windows
XP is the problem.
My 366 MHz runs XP fine.
You probably have a hardware problem or possibly viruses, spyware and/or
other malware.

If you can not see the differences in Microsoft OSs other than resources,
you are not looking or simply do not see.

What Apple computers do or do not do is not relevant.
Your information about Windows is obviously flawed so your Apple information
is also probably flawed.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

One last comment.
If you actually have a problem, start a new thread preferably using a
different name.
Post details of the problem so someone has something to work with,
"Microsoft Sucks!" does not work.

I am finished with you in this thread.
Good bye.


ApplesRAwesome said:
Microsoft Sucks!

I have used every Windows OS ever made, I Have used Mac OS X, and I
have experimented with Linux. I can say, beyond a reasonable doubt,
that Microsoft Sucks!

Not to mention that the original Windows Operating System was nearly
a clone of the first Mac OS. Bill Gates didn't even write DOS for
crying out loud, he bought it from someone else, and relicensed it.

Bill Gates is nothing more than an intelligent businessman, but Apple
Computers are increasing in popularity and if Microsoft doesn't stop
sucking some time soon, they will be beaten in the end.

As a stockholder, I appreciate your concern.

With Apple at about 5% of the desktops, and Linux around the same, we share
your trepidation and sense of foreboding.

I have passed on your observations to the Investor Relations division with a
suggestion that Microsoft re-double its efforts to squash the two
competitors you mentioned. This can easily be done by giving each Mac user a
kitten so they will have an alternative pettable object and giving each
Linux user an impossible-to-solve Rubik's Cube.

Peter Foldes

One of my systems is from 95 . It has a Spcewalker MOBO and is a P1 100mhz with 64mb
memory. It has Windows2000 pro and Office 2000 pro, It runs quite fast and I am very
happy with it. I have also run Linux and Mac
I stay with Windows for its ease of operation. I hardly have any issues since I
hope I know what I am doing. People like your friend and yourself and most posters
with issues are user fabricated issues for they do not know what they are doing
occassionaly. In other words self inflicted problems. Windows does not have to many
problems if you understand the OS.

So if you are looking at what you have said here in this thread I would think that
you alone and all by yourself
is to blame for the ignorance on the whole matter that you brought up


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Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)

Now we understand.. you don't have the ability to fix a pc so you come into
here trying to cause trouble.. that points to it being your fault.. did you
see the news about the 'Tiger' needing denture work?.. all of the fanfare
surrounding the release of the latest Mac offering fizzled out a little,
eh.. lol.. and Mac never releases patches or fixes?.. you should go to a Mac
forum and take a look..


When my laptop crashed I bought Celeron 430, but immediately sold it by parts
in ebay as it straggled both with winxp and Linux/Knopix desktop.

I personally don’t like windows for many things, but still run winxp ~90% of
time, Linux/Knoppix ~10% as Linux is not ready for desktop using so far, and
I use it mainly in command line mode.

All of you stop this and go and read this:


ApplesRAwesome said:
Show me a 5-year-old PC and you have
a paperweight.

My first computer was a Mac. It's a paperweight now. I have a six year old
HP Pavilion with XP Pro on it and it runs like silk so you were saying?



SP said:
<mac ravings snipped>

Later, troll-bot. P L O N K.

Oh go plonk yourself! Nothing pleases a troll more than having idiots
like you announcing your plonk!

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"


ApplesRAwesome said:
Microsoft Sucks!

OK, so what & why does it suck? I suck too, but I enjoy sucking down
pints of Guinness.
I have used every Windows OS ever made, I Have used Mac OS X, and I
have experimented with Linux. I can say, beyond a reasonable doubt,
that Microsoft Sucks!

Ah! You mean Windows sucks in comparison to the various Linux/BSD
variants. Matter of opinion mostly, but nothing is perfect. MS does
some things better and some things worse than Linux/BSD.
Not to mention that the original Windows Operating System was nearly
a clone of the first Mac OS.

That is a gross overstatement. Both the original MacOS and Windows were
a rip of the GUI work done by Xerox.
Bill Gates didn't even write DOS for
crying out loud, he bought it from someone else, and relicensed it.

No argument there. Gates genuis has never been as a coder, but in being
able to market his products.
Bill Gates is nothing more than an intelligent businessman, but Apple
Computers are increasing in popularity and if Microsoft doesn't stop
sucking some time soon, they will be beaten in the end.

LOL! What do you base your opinion that "Apple Computers are increasing
in popularity?" I've seen no evidence of that.

Self-anointed Moderator
"Trustworthy Computing" is only another example of an Oxymoron!
"Produkt-Aktivierung macht frei"

Don Schmidt

Seeing that the Microsoft OS is used by better than 90% of the world and the
schools are preparing the younguns to be incorporated into the business
world me thinks the wise choice for the schools is prepare the younguns for
what will be in demand. Therefore teaching what is in demand is the wise
choice. Face it, Apple, Mac, Commodore, Atari, Timex 2000, Texas
Instrument's something 99 are part of the evolution. Microsoft emerged as
the preferred choice of the world. Maybe granola is better for you but
people want Chateaubriand.

Ken B

I wouldn't say "know nothing", Richard... he does know how to incite an
argument / discussion, and possibly a riot down the road ;)



Yep. Me too. My old Compaq Armada M300 is running Xp Sp2 very nicely. MS is
a greedy business, but that is not the reason why computers go wrong. It's
the bit bewteen the seat and the keyboard where the problems occur. I do
very little maintenance on my machine and it's never complained or gone
wrong. I watch films, listen to music, design web sites, picture editing,
games playing, and programming all on this little machine. MS does suck but
so do a lot of users.

Anyway, what was the OPs problem? I don't seem to find a mention of it.


We buy hundreds of laptops per year for my company, from varying
manufacturers, all running XP Pro. Other than basic equipment
failures, they seldom freeze or reboot - and if they do, it is almost
always traced back to the user going somewhere on the net where they
shouldn't have, and getting viruses/trojans/spyware/malware/adware.
Don't blame to OS for the user's flaws.

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