microsoft picture it 9 problem



I have had this programe for a number of years with no problems re-loaded
windows at the weekend this programe re-installed no problem only when I try
to open it the picture comes up then a little blue box with a big red cross
comes up with an O.K. box underneath doesn't matter where I click the
programme stops then another box comes up the computer
"Unable to complete this action: An unexpected error occurred while trying
to create a dialog. Please close all programes and restart your computer."
Also with an O.K. button underneath I have restarted uninstalled and
re-loaded and still the problem comes back any help please...

John Inzer

me9gj said:
I have had this programe for a number of years with no problems
re-loaded windows at the weekend this programe re-installed no
problem only when I try to open it the picture comes up then a little
blue box with a big red cross comes up with an O.K. box underneath
doesn't matter where I click the programme stops then another box
comes up the computer "Unable to complete this action: An unexpected
error occurred while trying to create a dialog. Please close all
programes and restart your computer." Also with an O.K. button
underneath I have restarted uninstalled and re-loaded and still the
problem comes back any help please...
Are you running XP or Vista?

Have you verified that your photos are not corrupted?

What is the format of these photos?


J. Inzer MS-MVP
Digital Media Experience

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk

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