MDE file and VBA



I have split my database and I was wondering if the next VBA statement could
couse a problem by compyling the front end database.

combo1.recourdsource="{some sql code}"

after compyling i want to make aa MDE file

Harm Ozinga

Rich Wills via

This will still work I have done the same on many occasions but I would
stress to keep a copy before doing any compiling or making MDE file!! Had
some very unexpected results myself!!! :(

If you are still not sure then the best would be make a new temp database and
enter the same code and try it out first.




It shouldn't, but you have a spelling mistake there
This is yours
combo1.recourdsource="{some sql code}"
It should be
Me.combo1.recordsource="{some sql code}" (drop the u in the record)

So,just incase you have an error, that might be it.


Hi, Harm.

It sure will cause a problem. It won't compile, and it will cause a runtime
error, because a combo box doesn't have a Record Source Property (even if you
spelled it correctly). Try

Me!combo1.RowSource = "SELECT * FROM tblScores;"

.. . . where "SELECT * FROM tblScores;" is any valid SQL statement. Save it
and compile it, then create the MDE database file.


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