Lost Personal Folder?



I created a new folder under my Outlook Today - {Personal Folder] heading
then moved several e-mails into it. Suddenbly it disappeared and I
couldn't find it. I know it still exists because I can locate some of the
e-mails I moved into it and they are located in this new folder. However, I
can't see it (the folder) anywhere. Does anyone know how I can get to this
new folder that somehow disappeared from my folder listing? I'm using Outlook
2002 with Windows XP Professional. Any help at all would be appreciated. At
worst, how can I retrieve those e-mails that reside in this folder somewhere?
Thanks, in advance, for any help provided..


You may just need to re-add it. Click on Files - Data File Managemet and see
if it is there to add it. If not it may have been saved to another location
and you can do a search for it. Search for *.pst and just remember it is a
hidden file when you do the search.

Best Regards,

Francine Otterson
MVP Outlook
President, San Diego Outlook User Group


Thanks for your help. I did the search (*pst) as you suggested and came up
with several outlook.pst folders. However, when I try to open them they go
into an Outlook attachment format. When I try to open the attachment I obtain
a security warning that I must save to disc befoire opening. When i save to
disc and try to open I once again go to an outlooik attachment. So, I'm
trapped in a circular argument. Do you have any further advice on how I might
be able to view the content of these Outlook.pst folders that I acquired with
a *.pst search? Thanks, in advance, for any further help provided.

Francine Otterson said:
You may just need to re-add it. Click on Files - Data File Managemet and see
if it is there to add it. If not it may have been saved to another location
and you can do a search for it. Search for *.pst and just remember it is a
hidden file when you do the search.

Best Regards,

Francine Otterson
MVP Outlook
President, San Diego Outlook User Group

Ray19 said:
I created a new folder under my Outlook Today - {Personal Folder] heading
then moved several e-mails into it. Suddenbly it disappeared and I
couldn't find it. I know it still exists because I can locate some of the
e-mails I moved into it and they are located in this new folder. However, I
can't see it (the folder) anywhere. Does anyone know how I can get to this
new folder that somehow disappeared from my folder listing? I'm using Outlook
2002 with Windows XP Professional. Any help at all would be appreciated. At
worst, how can I retrieve those e-mails that reside in this folder somewhere?
Thanks, in advance, for any help provided..

Brian Tillman

Ray19 said:
Thanks for your help. I did the search (*pst) as you suggested and
came up with several outlook.pst folders. However, when I try to
open them they go into an Outlook attachment format.

That's because you're trying to open then with Windows Explorer, not
Outlook. Start Outlook and open them with FiIle>Open>Outlook Data File.

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