kazaa lite alternative?



is there any quality p2p app out there that can connect to the same network
kazaa does?

I have kazaa lite resurrection, but it is outdated compared to other clients
like emule or shareaza



if you would like a copy of the newest limewire pro (cracked, making it the
full version) then let me know where to email the zip file


if you would like a copy of the newest limewire pro (cracked, making
it the full version) then let me know where to email the zip file


You are in the wrong group, Shawn!

johnny o

kenny said:
is there any quality p2p app out there that can connect to the same
network kazaa does?

I have kazaa lite resurrection, but it is outdated compared to other
clients like emule or shareaza


Not exactly an answer to what you're asking but I'm reminded of A Russian
Just a few years old, at least a million songs and data base growing quick,
..10 cents per song, or .99 cents per album, all tracks are 192 bit rate er

El Gee

and why is that? because i offered my help?

This is a freeware group. We do not support the use of software that
has been "cracked". Warez is not freeware. Warez are illegal, freeware
is "free" software. Many discussion have been raised on this.

El Gee - www (dot) mistergeek (dot) com <><

Did you hear the one about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac?
He had trouble sleeping at night, wondering if there was a dog.
Remove yourhat to reply ... but it may take a while.


Could be Spyware trying to hijack you. Download, install, update and run all
of the following.


Spybot search and destroy

Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)

If none of the above fixes the issue then download Hijack this, run it, save
a copy of the log file and cut and paste it back here to the group so that
it can be analyzed.



"Instead of trying to bash me you should try to learn from me and
archive my posts so you can better help people in the future. If you don't
understand something I post then ask me my email is valid."

- (e-mail address removed)
- (e-mail address removed)

is there any quality p2p app out there that can connect to the same
network kazaa does?

I have kazaa lite resurrection, but it is outdated compared to other
clients like emule or shareaza




That's NORMAL, don't listen to the trolls who are trying to convince you
that you have a problem.


"Instead of trying to bash me you should try to learn from me and
archive my posts so you can better help people in the future. If you don't
understand something I post then ask me my email is valid."

- (e-mail address removed)
- (e-mail address removed)

limewire does the same without spyware


David Bowie's Dick

if you would like a copy of the newest limewire pro (cracked, making it the
full version) then let me know where to email the zip file

Thank you kindly!

(e-mail address removed)

Mike Andrade

and why is that? because i offered my help?

No. It's because you are a stupid, immature, silly moron. The group
for people of that caliber is that way --------------->

Bye now.


on its way, when you install it, it may say you need the latest java, it
gives a link or i can send it if you need it


i dont see what makes me a stupid, immature, silly moron, the group for
****tard dads assfuckers is that way----------------------------->


Thank you shawn... I have the pro version of limewire.. thanks though for
your kind offer

Mike Andrade

i dont see what makes me a stupid, immature, silly moron, the
group for ****tard dads assfuckers is that

Of course you don't. Stupid, immature, silly morons cannot see past
their own stupidity. All one has to do is read your above post to
see why you qualify. Bye now.

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