Intel Storage Driver


Barry Adams

I have a homemade P42.4 with Windows XP (clean install) SP2 installed on it,
and until recently, it had been rock-solid reliable. In the last couple of
weeks, however, it has started crashing, giving me a blue screen with the
warning "Driver IRQL Not Less or Equal."
Once I get it back up (which often requires a hard boot after the blue
screen memory dump completes and Windows gets back to the bootup screen),
Windows Error Reporting indicates that the crash is caused by the Intel
Storage Driver.
Does anyone know what this is, or how to replace it?
The crash always comes after a couple of minutes of inactivity. I do not use
screen savers, and I have power saving mode and hibernation off.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Barry, can you run Dr.Watson? Click Start,>Run, and type drwatson in
the window, >Ok. It will show up on your taskbar. Double-click the icon and
it will generate an error report for you. It may be that you need to update a
driver. Intel Storage Drivers may be found at


I am having the same issue. I have and ASUS P4PE motherboard running a
Micron Millennia P4 PC. I see no updated drivers anywhere. I am tempted to
remove XP2 until either Intel, Asus, Micron, or Microsoft come up with a
driver update.

Initially, I could not boot up to XP via normal or Safe mode. I finally got
in. I have had it reboot during a defrag, and during a backup multiple
times. It will not finish running Check Now. Gets to phase 4 and then stops
at 23 %.

Am at a loss for what to do at this point. Microsoft Online Crash Analysis
gives you nothing more than "the error was likely caused by an interaction
between Windows and the Intel Storage Driver" created by Intel. No other
information available". Nothing on ASUS or Intel sites.


what "intel storage driver" are you running?

Is this a raid system? are the drives connected to the IDE or SATA ports?

If just normal IDE drives, you DO NOT NEED any intel storage subsystem;
check Add/Remove Provograms and see if you have "Intel Application
Accelerator" software installed (it'll be on the start menu too). YOu
don't need this, remove it. [it was helpful in W98, but does virtually
nothing in XP].

if you must, here's the link to the latest version:


I am running the latest version of the Intel Accelerator 2.3. Initially had
thought I found the issue when I read the Intel Storage Driver was no longer
supported and this was the replacement. However found I was already running
the latest version of the accelerator. Drives are connected to IDE. If I
remove the Intel Accelerator, what happens to the Driver files in
C:\Windows\System32\Drivers folder. Right now they are purportedly using
those supplied with the Accelerator, is that incorrect ? Has the 82801DB
Ultra ATA Controller on board.


Dmac said:
I am running the latest version of the Intel Accelerator 2.3. Initially had

that's the puppy I'm talking about, you don't need it. go to add/remove
programs and delete it, then reboot. xp will install its default HD
drivers. all should be fine.

two things to check after doing this: in devmanager, verify the the drive
for the ide is using DMA mode; it should be, if not make it. second, if
you changed drive letters for secondary partitions these may revert; just
change them back again using Disk Manager like before.

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