inserted pictures will not display



Hi there, I have done something and it has now effected the whole site so
that any new images I am inserting in will not dispaly and now come up as a
little square picture icon.
When I insert pictures or gifs they WHen I press f12 everything views fine.

What code do I need to do to get it funtioning again?


Thomas A. Rowe

URL to a page with this problem.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


I have copied this page to our current active web site. In touch (problem
web) views perfectly on the net.
The problem page also does not show its pictures in the May Downs folder
where I copied it.

I had a similar problem much earlier on where the index page converted to a
full code page and did not allow me the option of using the design or preview
It also veiwed perfectly on the web.
I simply redid a new index page. But now I have many pages? not too keen on
redoing them all!
Thanks in advance. Marjorie


Not sure if the post worked or not so sending second one.

I have copied this page to our current active web site. In touch (problem
web) views perfectly on the net.
The problem page also does not show its pictures in the May Downs folder
where I copied it.

I had a similar problem much earlier on where the index page converted to a
full code page and did not allow me the option of using the design or preview
It also veiwed perfectly on the web.
I simply redid a new index page. But now I have many pages? not too keen on
redoing them all!
Thanks in advance. Marjorie

Thomas A. Rowe

I am seeing two photos, suggest you remove all spaces from any file or folder names and if hosted on
a Unix/Linux server, use all lowercase file and folder names.

Also make sure you are saving all JPG images in RGB format.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


The web page is fine in the published WEB world>> no problems

But within frontpage itself including all my sub webs they don't dispaly
any jpegs or gifs, link bars etc, the only thing I see is a little 2ml x2ml
square like a picture icon.
What is it in frontpage that could have turned them off or hidden them?



Stop using Java Hover buttons...your viewers would need to download and install JVM (Java Virtual Machine) from Sun to be able to see your buttons and some of the other banner type stuff you have.

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