frontpage will not display pictures



The web page is viewing fine in the published WEB world>> no problems

But within frontpage 2003 itself and including all my sub webs within the
file they don't dispaly any jpegs or gifs, link bars etc, the only thing I
see is a little 2ml x2ml
square like a picture icon.
What is it in frontpage that could have turned them off or hidden them?
What coding do I need to edit and put back into the code pages to make the
graphics show.



I deleted the FP2003 program from my computer and reinstalled frontpage 2003.
The images are now working. Must have been a glitch in the program somewhere!
Thanks for previous help

Thomas A. Rowe

Glad to hear that you got this solved.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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