inplace upgrade on dual boot




I have a MicroATX system where I changed the CPU, RAM, and
motherboard. I planned to upgrade inplace the 3 OS partitions: Win2ksp4,
WinXPsp1, and SuSE 9.1.

Starting with the Win2ksp3 (its on Disk0, C:), I loaded the Win2ksp3 disk
and did the
upgrade (inplace). Everything went smooth.

Next I loaded the WinXPsp1 disk. It finds the old installation (Disk0, D:),
gets past the first reboot. As its down to the last 8/45 minutes, it seems
to crash
because it spontaneously reboots without warning. The Grub loader menu and
Windows Dual menu are still there. Could these interfere at all?

I have no idea what could be wrong. It looks like anything else I try will
involve starting the whole WinXP upgrade over again.



tlviewer said:

I have a MicroATX system where I changed the CPU, RAM, and
motherboard. I planned to upgrade inplace the 3 OS partitions: Win2ksp4,
WinXPsp1, and SuSE 9.1.

Starting with the Win2ksp3 (its on Disk0, C:), I loaded the Win2ksp3 disk
and did the upgrade (inplace). Everything went smooth.

Next I loaded the WinXPsp1 disk. It finds the old installation (Disk0, D:),
and gets past the first reboot. As its down to the last 8/45 minutes, it seems
to crash because it spontaneously reboots without warning. The Grub
loader menu and the Windows Dual menu are still there. Could these interfere at all?

I have no idea what could be wrong. It looks like anything else I try will
involve starting the whole WinXP upgrade over again.

I isolated the offending driver: its from the Alcohol 120%, called

Using F8 and SAFE MODE, the loading stopped when trying
to load a347bus.sys. This App has 2 drivers that it uses to make
it's Virtual Drive.

Is there a way to uninstall Alcohol_120 from the WinXP command
line? Or how can I prevent the drivers from loading at boot? The
escape key didn't help.



I isolated the offending driver: its from the Alcohol 120%, called

Using F8 and SAFE MODE, the loading stopped when trying
to load a347bus.sys. This App has 2 drivers that it uses to make
it's Virtual Drive.

Is there a way to uninstall Alcohol_120 from the WinXP command
line? Or how can I prevent the drivers from loading at boot? The
escape key didn't help.

solved it by renaming the two a347 drivers from the parallel Win2k
partition. Then I disconnected a SATA drive that I had installed
after repairing Win2k. Finally, I flashed the latest Aopen bios. I
should have known that WinXPsp2 would be touchy on a new
motherboard without the latest bios.

After doing the inplace upgrade again, it worked.


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