IE6-this page cannot be displayed:(



i am using win98 os using ie6 - when i try to get on the
internet it says thispage cannot be displayed! but my
netscape browser works fine. i really want to use internet
explorer ive tried reinstalling it and scanning for
virusus and still no good is there anything i can do in
the registry or ??? thanks in advance for any help:)-
computer wont use browser comes up
with this message in bottom tool bar
(C:\\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHDOCLC.DLL dns error.htm) confused
tried everything please help:(

the Other Ken

What is the URL of the page you have set as your home
page? Let us know and someone else can try it.

Some Web sites (especially commercial ones that want to
get too fancy for their own good - MHO) have some code to
feed different pages depending on the browser. It sounds
like there's either something wrong with the way your
browser identifies itself, or the site has broken its own
code and no one can get into it with IE.

There's always a possibility that your IE Content Advisor
is blocking the page, too.

the Other Ken


-----Original Message-----

What is the URL of the page you have set as your home
page? Let us know and someone else can try it.

Some Web sites (especially commercial ones that want to
get too fancy for their own good - MHO) have some code to
feed different pages depending on the browser. It sounds
like there's either something wrong with the way your
browser identifies itself, or the site has broken its own
code and no one can get into it with IE.

There's always a possibility that your IE Content Advisor
is blocking the page, too.

the Other Ken

thanks ken ive tried to change the url a few times it
doesnt seem to be that though also my content advisor is
not enabled so im sure its not that:( maybe there might be
something i can fix in the regiser???


Sorry, if it's not just the home page but any URL you
type, I'm out of my depth. The "dns" in your error
message is scary. Can IE display documents that are on
your own computer? If you're on a network, can it display
documents that are on other boxes? I don't know enough to
say what you should do next whether the answers are yes or
no; I just ask the questions to help scope out the
problem. (I must've been an Arts student in a previous
life. ;-)


Had the exact same problem!!!! I counldnt get any pages to display! The way
I fixed it, was installing 98 upgrade cd over the current version. And all
of a sudden it worked!! Didnt mess up anyfiles or settings. Just reinstall
over what is already there!
Please let me know how that works.

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