I want my RAM back



Talking about RAM defrag is really funny.

Remember that Windows is a virtual memory system and with memory mapping
there is no need for RAM to be contiguous for programm addressing. Guess
page size is the main key thing.

Chuck Anderson

Leythos said:
What version of PS are you running. I've never had a problem with it
releasing RAM, and I use FireFox all the time. Take a look at the Task
Manager, Memory per process and make notes before and after... Maybe you
have something remaining in memory after closing it.
This is something I'll try for now (as well as order some RAM).
I've been using PS on a PC since the about 95, it's always wanted LOTS of

Have you applied all updates from Adobe? How about all MS Updates?
I hate to say this, but I got sick of applying MS Updates. I gpt sick
of watching them trickling in. It seemed like I was a getting a few
every week and they just kept piling up. So, I finally installed SP1,
which surprised me when it took 45 minutes. That has me reluctant to
install SP2. I don't use IE or Outlook, so I'm not concerned about

The bottom line here seems to be - buy more RAM. I just hope Windows
really lets me use it and it's not a waste of money.

Chuck Anderson • Boulder, CO
Integrity is obvious.
The lack of it is common.

Alex Nichol

Chuck said:
Is there a good, free RAM free up tool? (I tried one I had I my zip
files archive, but it actually caused Explorer to crash.) I don't think
I need anything fancy. I would just like to run it on demand.

No. They are misconceived, if not out and out scams. XP attempts to
find some use for all RAM at all times, even if only trivial, and will
drop any trivial use when a real need arises. These things have at best
a cosmetic 'feel good' and may do it by forcing trivial things into the
page file, which runs away. Task managers 'available physical memory'
and similar should really be 'RAM for which there is currently no
conceivable use'

Read up more at my page www.aumha.org/win5/a/xpvm.htm

Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

| Wesley Vogel wrote:
| >256MB is hardly enough RAM to run XP doing what you want to do. Invest
| >some more RAM.
| >
| >XP manages memory quite well without the aid of 3rd party programs.
| >
| >
| >
| >
| Then why does it keep using the pagefile even after I have closed
| Photoshop and stopped using all my RAM for that.
| It's very obvious. I have my browser (Firefox) and my email client
| (Thunderbird) open and I can switch between apps in the blink of an
| eye. Then I open Photoshop, do some work, and Firefox and Thunderbird
| get swapped out to the pagefile. It takes forever to get their focus
| back. After I close Photoshop, Windows keeps swapping Thunderbird of
| Firefox out to disk when I switch between them and the only solution is
| to reboot. Can't I somehow tell Windows that it need not keep using the
| pagefile?
| I have a RAM monitor and I can see that Windows keeps making my browser
| use the pagefile. Why can't it revert back to using RAM the way it did
| *before* I opened and used Photoshop (and closed it)?
| --
| *****************************
| Chuck Anderson • Boulder, CO
| http://www.CycleTourist.com
| Integrity is obvious.
| The lack of it is common.
| *****************************

Do you have a Photoshop scratch disk? PS wants its own virtual memory and
occasionally doesn't play nicely with the Windows page file.


Chuck said:
Actually both Firefox and Thunderbird need a special option setting to
prevent them from giving up too much memory when minimized or left
idle for long periods. However, I have applied both of those settings
and they work (until usage of Photoshop forces them into the
pagefile). I just don't get why Windows can't reallocate RAM after I
close PS (I am also now going to read the info at the URL's I was
told to visit in other posts).

..... I'm also hearing the advice to simply buy more RAM. I suppose
I'll just have to bite the bullet and do so. I'm going to get another
512MBs (I have DDR SDRAM - 2100 - 266MHz) . I think 768MBs total
should do me well (besides, it's about all I can afford).

And you might want to turn down how many undos PS stores. If you are
using very large photos, and doing a lot of editting, you will eat up a
lot of RAM very quickly, with a lot of levels of undo, sitting in

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Bruce Chambers

Chuck said:
I've a couple RAM recovery programs over the years, but I've gotten lost
while looking for a current *free* one again.

Just do a Google search for "Snake Oil."

Seriously, though, free RAM is wasted RAM. I know of no "RAM
optimizer" that is anything more than a scam.


Bruce Chambers

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