I need help with my guest book...Please...


Andrew S

I have tried, and better tried to get my guest book working but no luck. It
seems like such a simple thing to do yet no matter what I try I can't seem
to resolve it.
Can someone either offer me some help, or at the very least point me to a
site that will resolve the problems I am having with it?

At the moment I have a test version of the guest book my site
www.photogshangar.com and though it looks good on the surface when the
responder goes to save the images bang. Rather than getting a page
thanking them for responding, and then having the contents of the guest book
displayed I get a screen that makes no sense to me.
I know I am not being very clear, but if you visit website at
www.photogshangar.com and click on Guest Book Test fill in a field ,or two
and then hit the submit button you will understand my problem.


Andrew S

Thomas A. Rowe

To make sure the guest book works correctly, create a new UN-modified guest
book. Do not mix content other than the guest book content in the guest
book, such as your questions.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Andrew S

Thanks I seem to have it going with some of my questions...

However it brings up some other ones which I will post in another posting...

Andrew S

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