How to recover IMPORTANT deleted e-mails from deleted items folder



Sir or Madam,

I accidently deleted from deleted items folder a very very important e-mail
that I thought was part of junk spam e-mails. Although I am very knowledgable
computer person, I am NOT NOT programming person. Is there any kind of easy
"GUIDE FOR DUMMIES" instruction on how to recover IMPORTANT deleted e-mails
from deleted items folder without facing complicated programming stuff??

Thank you very much, Aharon

Roady [MVP]

Restoring from backup is one ;-)

You could try;

Or as a last resort;

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Sir or Madam,

I accidently deleted from deleted items folder a very very important e-mail
that I thought was part of junk spam e-mails. Although I am very
computer person, I am NOT NOT programming person. Is there any kind of easy
"GUIDE FOR DUMMIES" instruction on how to recover IMPORTANT deleted e-mails
from deleted items folder without facing complicated programming stuff??

Thank you very much, Aharon


Dear Roady,

I already saw the first option and it sounds too complicated for me even
though I am knowledgable computer person. However, the second option from
your suggested hyperlink to looks more easier and
interesting. Before I use that second option, will it help me to recover my
today's deleted e-mails from from deleted items folder? That office recovery
software is good only for corrupted data. I do not have corrupted problems
with data. Just problem how to recover important e-mail that I accidently
deleted from because it was among junk spam e-mails.



Roady [MVP]

You can try the demo and see what it comes up with.
As for the article; if you follow the steps it shouldn't be too complicated.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from within Windows
-Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data

Dear Roady,

I already saw the first option and it sounds too complicated for me even
though I am knowledgable computer person. However, the second option from
your suggested hyperlink to looks more easier and
interesting. Before I use that second option, will it help me to recover my
today's deleted e-mails from from deleted items folder? That office recovery
software is good only for corrupted data. I do not have corrupted problems
with data. Just problem how to recover important e-mail that I accidently
deleted from because it was among junk spam e-mails.



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